Elio Lo Giudice

Experimental calibration of flat jacks for in-situ testing of masonry

Flat-jack testing method is one of the most commonly used techniques for the structural assessment of existing masonry structures. Single and double flat jacks are usually adopted to evaluate the acting normal stress, or the compressive behaviour of masonry material. Test procedures are codified by international standards (e.g., A.S.T.M D4729-87; C1196-04; C1197-04, R.I.L.E.M TC 177–MDT D.4; R.I.L.E.M. TC 177–MDT D.5), which provide the preliminary calibration of an experimental coefficient (km) and of the effective area (Aeff), which determination influences significantly the reliability of the test. This article presents the result of an experimental study on the calibration of flat jacks…

research product

Uno strumento di pianificazione per la salvaguardia degli edifici storico-monumentali. Un caso di studio: la chiesa del SS. Salvatore a Naro

Il patrimonio storico, e in particolare gli edifici monumentali, sono i manufatti tra i più vulnerabili nei confronti degli eventi sismici, e spesso determinano anche gravi ripercussioni su quello che comunemente è definito ”rischio urbano”. Per la conservazione e la tutela del patrimonio culturale nei riguardi dell’azione sismica è necessario disporre di strumenti di analisi in grado di permettere la valutazione della vulnerabilità e del rischio, nonché la progettazione degli interventi di miglioramento sismico. Le Linee Guida per la valutazione e riduzione del rischio sismico del patrimonio culturale – allineamento alle nuove Norme tecniche per le costruzioni, G.U. 26.02.2011, n°47 (di se…

research product

Risk of failure for the salso river railroad steel bridge

Abstract The degradation state of railroad steel bridges is one of the most important and difficult aspects to be interpreted. The use of steel bridges started from 1900, and they are still in service today as railroad bridges. The case study examined was that of a bridge railroad steel bridge having a total length of 112 m and constituted by three isostatic, reticular beams having a Pratt type composition. The substructures (two shoulders and two intermediate piles) are in masonry with a reinforced concrete beam in the upper portion. The structure (steel bridge and piers) is in a degraded state. To determine the degradation level, non-destructive and partially destructive tests were carrie…

research product

Performance of a historical cantilever reinforced concrete bridge with half-joint degradation

The lack of maintenance of roadway concrete bridges built from the Second World War until the 70 s of the 20th century has led in recent years to an ever-increasing request for safety assessments. When bridge performance in terms of Serviceability Limit State (SLS) and Ultimate Limit State (ULS) has to be evaluated, in-situ visual inspections and load tests for safety and maintenance assessment have to be coupled with structural analysis. In order to identify a sound bridge structural model and to assess the actual conservation state, more refined models than those usually considered for section and reinforcement design should be used to reproduce the results of load tests and perform globa…

research product