Heidi Kontro
Correction: DAPIT Over-Expression Modulates Glucose Metabolism and Cell Behaviour in HEK293T Cells
Introduction Diabetes Associated Protein in Insulin-sensitive Tissues (DAPIT) is a subunit of mitochondrial ATP synthase and has also been found to associate with the vacuolar H+-ATPase. Its expression is particularly high in cells with elevated aerobic metabolism and in epithelial cells that actively transport nutrients and ions. Deletion of DAPIT is known to induce loss of mitochondrial ATP synthase but the effects of its over-expression are obscure. Results In order to study the consequences of high expression of DAPIT, we constructed a transgenic cell line that constitutively expressed DAPIT in human embryonal kidney cells, HEK293T. Enhanced DAPIT expression decreased mtDNA content and …
Cellular and tissue expression of DAPIT, a phylogenetically conserved peptide
DAPIT (Diabetes Associated Protein in Insulin-sensitive Tissues) is a small, phylogenetically conserved, 58 amino acid peptide that was previously shown to be down-regulated at mRNA level in insulin-sensitive tissues of type 1 diabetes rats. In this study we characterize a custom made antibody against DAPIT and confirm the mitochondrial presence of DAPIT on cellular level. We also show that DAPIT is localized in lysosomes of HUVEC and HEK 293T cells. In addition, we describe the histological expression of DAPIT in several tissues of rat and man and show that it is highly expressed especially in cells with high aerobic metabolism and epithelial cells related to active transport of nutrients …
Cellular and tissue expression of DAPIT, a phylogenetically conserved peptide
DAPIT (Diabetes Associated Protein in Insulin-sensitive Tissues) is a small, phylogenetically conserved, 58 amino acid peptide that was previously shown to be down-regulated at mRNA level in insulin-sensitive tissues of type 1 diabetes rats. In this study we characterize a custom made antibody against DAPIT and confirm the mitochondrial presence of DAPIT on cellular level. We also show that DAPIT is localized in lysosomes of HUVEC and HEK 293T cells. In addition, we describe the histological expression of DAPIT in several tissues of rat and man and show that it is highly expressed especially in cells with high aerobic metabolism and epithelial cells related to active transport of nutrients …