Overall survival in mCPRC patients treated with Radium-223 in association with bone health agents: a national multicenter study
Radium-223 has demonstrated efficacy in improving overall survival (OS) and in delaying symptomatic skeletal-related events (SREs). Bone Health Agents (BHA), i.e. RANK ligand inhibitor (Denosumab) and bisphosphonate such as zoledronic acid, are indicated to prevent SREs without a clear survival benefit. SREs on patient health have a high impact and it is, therefore, important to consider the role of new therapies with BHA to better understand the involvement of combination therapy. The primary aim of this multicentric study is to assess OS in mCRPC patients treated with Radium-223 in combination with BHA.430 consecutive patients treated with Radium-223 alone or in combination with BHA, affe…