Anna Zakrzewicz
Trägt leukozytäres Acetylcholin zur chronischen Abstoßung von Nierentransplantaten bei?
Einleitung: Akute Abstoßungsepisoden prädisponieren für die chronische Abstoßung von Nierentransplantaten. Für die fatale akute Abstoßung haben wir experimentell gezeigt, dass Monozyten, die sich in Transplantatgefäßen massiv ansammeln, Acetylcholin (ACh) produzieren.[for full text, please go to the a.m. URL]
Pivotal Advance: Up-regulation of acetylcholine synthesis and paracrine cholinergic signaling in intravascular transplant leukocytes during rejection of rat renal allografts.
Abstract A new role and source of the old mediator acetylcholine is described, which is produced by graft monocytes and attenuates monocytic ATP-signaling. During acute rejection, large numbers of leukocytes accumulate in the blood vessels of experimental renal allografts. About 70% of them are activated, cytotoxic monocytes that appear to be involved in allograft destruction. ACh exerts anti-inflammatory effects upon monocytes/macrophages and has been proposed to be a key player in neuroimmunological interactions. Its short half-life, however, makes it unlikely that neuronal ACh affects blood leukocytes. Renal transplantation was performed in the allogeneic DA to LEW and in the isogeneic L…