W. Ormanns
Multiple Peptide Hormone Producing Adenocarcinoma of Lung with Neurotensin and CRF-like Immunoreactivity
Summary A pulmonary cancer of a 43 year-old-man was classified according to WHO-criteria as a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma because of demonstration of mucinous substances in tumor cells and in rarely occurring acinar lumina. Immunohistochemical reactivity for several peptide hormones was detected in the predominant solid parts of the carcinoma. In many tumor cells an immunoreactivity to neurotensin, bombesin and — according to the elevated serum levels — to ACTH, CRF and calcitonin was found. Therefore the present lung cancer must be defined as a combined carcinoma composed of mucous producing and endocrine cell types. Because peptide hormone production is not restricted to the clas…
A CRF-Producing and -Secreting Tumor of the Lung
Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) has recently been isolated from ovine hypothalamus, characterized chemically, and synthesized. Upton and Amatruda (1971) first suggested that CRF-like activity occurred in neoplastic tissues, and Hashimoto et al. (1980) subsequently detected CRF-like activity in an extract of an ACTHproducing nephroblastoma. Recently, Carey et al. (1984) and Asa et al. (1984) used immunocytochemical techniques to demonstrate CRF in postmortem tumor material obtained from patients with a carcinoma of the prostate and an intrasellar gangliocytoma.