Geir K. Resaland
Additional file 4 of The effect of a school-based intervention on physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength: the School in Motion cluster randomized trial
Additional file 4: Table 3. Mean (95% confidence interval) for cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength among participants stratified by study arm and gender at baseline and follow-up.
Additional file 1 of The effect of a school-based intervention on physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength: the School in Motion cluster randomized trial
Additional file 1:. CONSORT 2010 checklist of information to include when reporting a randomised trial*.
Additional file 3 of The effect of a school-based intervention on physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength: the School in Motion cluster randomized trial
Additional file 3: Table 2a. Mean (95% confidence interval) physical activity levels among girls stratified by study arm at baseline and follow-up. Table 2b. Mean (95% confidence interval) physical activity levels among boys stratified by study arm at baseline and follow-up.
Additional file 2 of The effect of a school-based intervention on physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and muscle strength: the School in Motion cluster randomized trial
Additional file 2:. The TIDieR (Template for Intervention Description and Replication) Checklist*.