Late Carnian-Early Norian ammonoids from the GSSP candidate section Pizzo Mondello (Sicani mountain, Sicily).
A small collection of ammonoids from the Upper Triassic Scillato Formation at Pizzo Mondello (Agrigento, Sicily) is studied. The specimens were collected in a framework of a project aimed at providing an integrated high-resolution bio-chronostratigraphic support to the Upper Carnian-Norian magnetostratigraphic scale defined at this site, that is located in an historical area from which G.G. Gemmellaro collected the Upper Triassic of ammonoids monographed at the beginning of the XX century. The specimens from Pizzo Mondello were bed-by-bed sampled and represent the first collection of Upper Triassic ammonoids described from Sicily since Gemmellaro time. Quite several levels of the Pizzo Mond…