Evita Gasenko
Ex vivo emission of volatile organic compounds from gastric cancer and non-cancerous tissue
The presence of certain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the breath of patients with gastric cancer has been reported by a number of research groups; however, the source of these compounds remains controversial. Comparison of VOCs emitted from gastric cancer tissue to those emitted from non-cancerous tissue would help in understanding which of the VOCs are associated with gastric cancer and provide a deeper knowledge on their generation. Gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS) coupled with head-space needle trap extraction (HS-NTE) as the pre-concentration technique, was used to identify and quantify VOCs released by gastric cancer and non-cancerous tissue samples c…
Screening for gastric cancer using exhaled breath samples.
Abstract Background The aim was to derive a breath-based classifier for gastric cancer using a nanomaterial-based sensor array, and to validate it in a large screening population. Methods A new training algorithm for the diagnosis of gastric cancer was derived from previous breath samples from patients with gastric cancer and healthy controls in a clinical setting, and validated in a blinded manner in a screening population. Results The training algorithm was derived using breath samples from 99 patients with gastric cancer and 342 healthy controls, and validated in a population of 726 people. The calculated training set algorithm had 82 per cent sensitivity, 78 per cent specificity and 79 …
Evidence for PTGER4 ,PSCA, and MBOAT7 as risk genes for gastric cancer on the genome and transcriptome level
Genetic associations between variants on chromosome 5p13 and 8q24 and gastric cancer (GC) have been previously reported in the Asian population. We aimed to replicate these findings and to characterize the associations at the genome and transcriptome level. We performed a fine-mapping association study in 1926 GC patients and 2012 controls of European descent using high dense SNP marker sets on both chromosomal regions. Next, we performed expression quantitative trait locus (eQTL) analyses using gastric transcriptome data from 143 individuals focusing on the GC associated variants. On chromosome 5p13 the strongest association was observed at rs6872282 (P = 2.53 x 10(-04)) and on chromosome …
Sex differences in the prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection: an individual participant data pooled analysis (StoP Project)
Background Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection is more frequent among men, though the magnitude of the association might be inaccurate due to potential misclassification of lifetime infection and publication bias. Moreover, infection is common, and most studies are cross-sectional. Thus, prevalence ratios (PRs) may be easier to interpret than odds ratios (ORs). Aim The aim of this study was to quantify the association between sex and H. pylori infection using controls from 14 studies from the Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) Project. Participants and methods H. pylori infection was defined based on IgG serum antibody titers or multiplex serology. Participants were also classified as infe…
How do international gastric cancer prevention guidelines influence clinical practice globally?
Clinical guidelines recommend particular approaches, including 'screen-and-treat' strategy for Helicobacter pylori, to prevent gastric cancer. However, little of this is implemented in clinical practice. The aim of the study was to identify barriers to implementation of international guidelines. A web-based questionnaire distributed globally to specialists in the field. Altogether 886 responses from 75 countries were received. Of the responders, 570 (64%) were men of mean age 47 years. There were 606 gastroenterologists and 65 epidemiologists among the responders. Altogether, 79.8% of the responders disagreed that the burden of gastric cancer is a diminishing problem. 'Screen-and-treat' str…
Non-contact breath sampling for sensor-based breath analysis
Breath analysis holds great promise for real-time and non-invasive medical diagnosis. Thus, there is a considerable need for simple-in-use and portable analyzers for rapid detection of breath indicators for different diseases in their early stages. Sensor technology meets all of these demands. However, miniaturized breath analyzers require adequate breath sampling methods. In this context, we propose non-contact sampling; namely the collection of breath samples by exhalation from a distance into a miniaturized collector without bringing the mouth into direct contact with the analyzing device. To evaluate this approach different breathing maneuvers have been tested in a real-time regime on a…
Smoking and Helicobacter pylori infection: an individual participant pooled analysis (Stomach Cancer Pooling- StoP Project)
Smoking has been associated with acquisition and increased persistence of Helicobacter pylori infection, as well as with lower effectiveness of its eradication. A greater prevalence of infection among smokers could contribute to the increased risk for gastric cancer. We aimed to estimate the association between smoking and seropositivity to H. pylori through an individual participant data pooled analysis using controls from 14 case- control studies participating in the Stomach Cancer Pooling Project. Summary odds ratios and prevalence ratios (PRs), adjusted for age, sex and social class, and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated through random-effects meta-analysis…
Clinicopathological characteristics of Epstein-Barr virus-positive gastric cancer in Latvia
Objective Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)-associated gastric cancer has been proposed to be a distinct gastric cancer molecular subtype. The prognostic significance of EBV infection in gastric cancer remains unclear and needs further investigation. Our study aimed to analyze EBV-positive and EBV-negative gastric cancer patients regarding their personal and tumor-related characteristics, and compare their overall survival. Methods Gastric cancer patients consecutively treated at the Riga East University Hospital during 2009-2016 were identified retrospectively. Tumor EBV status was determined by in-situ hybridization for EBV-encoded RNA (EBER). Information about clinicopathological characteristics …
Sensing gastric cancer via point‐of‐care sensor breath analyzer
Background Detection of disease by means of volatile organic compounds from breath samples using sensors is an attractive approach to fast, noninvasive and inexpensive diagnostics. However, these techniques are still limited to applications within the laboratory settings. Here, we report on the development and use of a fast, portable, and IoT-connected point-of-care device (so-called, SniffPhone) to detect and classify gastric cancer to potentially provide new qualitative solutions for cancer screening. Methods A validation study of patients with gastric cancer, patients with high-risk precancerous gastric lesions, and controls was conducted with 2 SniffPhone devices. Linear discriminant an…
Identifying the Profile of Helicobacter pylori–Negative Gastric Cancers: A Case-Only Analysis within the Stomach Cancer Pooling (StoP) Project
Abstract Background: The prevalence of Helicobacter pylori–negative gastric cancer (HpNGC) can be as low as 1%, when infection is assessed using more sensitive tests or considering the presence of gastric atrophy. HpNGC may share a high-risk profile contributing to the occurrence of cancer in the absence of infection. We estimated the proportion of HpNGC, using different criteria to define infection status, and compared HpNGC and positive cases regarding gastric cancer risk factors. Methods: Cases from 12 studies from the Stomach cancer Pooling (StoP) Project providing data on H. pylori infection status determined by serologic test were included. HpNGC was reclassified as positive (eight st…