Tuulia Huhtala
Magnetic resonance imaging of viral particle biodistribution in vivo
We describe here a technique for the visualization of viral vector delivery by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in vivo. By conjugating avidin-coated baculoviral vectors (Baavi) with biotinylated ultra-small superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (USPIO), we are able to produce vector-related MRI contrast in the choroid plexus cells of rat brain in vivo over a period of 14 days. Ten microlitres of 2.5 x 10(10) PFU/ml nuclear-targeted LacZ-encoding Baavi with bUSPIO coating was injected into rat brain ventricles and visualized by MRI at 4.7 T. As baculoviruses exhibit restricted cell-type specificity in the rat brain, altered MRI contrast was detected in the choroid plexus of the injected ve…