Synthesis of undulin by rat liver fat-storing cells: Comparison with fibronectin and tenascin
Abstract Fat-storing cells (FSCs) are known to synthesize various components of the hepatic extracellular matrix and thereby play an important role during liver fibrogenesis. The aim of our study was to investigate the synthesis of undulin, a recently described connective tissue protein belonging to the fibronectin—tenascin superfamily of glycoproteins, by fat-storing cells in primary culture. SDS-PAGE analysis of immunoprecipitates from cell layer lysates or media pulse-labeled with radioactive methionine revealed undulin-specific bands A (270 kDa), B1 (190 kDa), and B2 (180 kDa) after reduction. A single undulin-specific transcript was detected at about 7 kb. Undulin synthesized by cell-f…