Cromakalim inhibits electrically-evoked [3H]acetylcholine release from a tube-preparation of the rat isolated trachea by an epithelium-dependent mechanism.
Rat isolated tracheae were labelled by incubation with [3H]choline to measure the tritium efflux elicited by electrical stimulation of the extrinsic parasympathetic nerves in vitro. Stimulated tritium efflux reflects the neuronal release of newly synthesized acetylcholine; the effects of potassium channel openers on the stimulated tritium efflux were investigated. In tracheae opened longitudinally neither cromakalim nor its 3S,4R-enantiomer, BRL 38227, reduced the stimulated tritium efflux, whereas in intact tube-preparations cromakalim (0.01-1 mumol/l) mediated a concentration-dependent inhibition. The inhibitory effect of 1 mumol/l cromakalim was prevented by 0.1 mumol/l glibenclamide. Li…