Vicente Vanaclocha Vanaclocha
Plagiocefalia frontal
En la plagiocefalia frontal existe fusión precoz de la sutura coronal de ese lado, pero algunas de las suturas de la base del cráneo también están afectas (esfenofrontal y etmoidofrontal) y existe deformidad de la órbita correspondiente, que se encuentra situada por detrás de lo normal.
Estudio experimental sobre la respuesta a las radiaciones ionizantes del foco epiléptico por óxido de cobalto en el gato
Absceso cerebral por cuerpo extraño en la infancia
La incidencia del absceso cerebral en edad pediátrica es muy baja, a pesar de lo cual s una patología importante por las frecuentes y graves consecuencias que puede comportar. Las infecciones otorrinolaringológicas y las meningoencefalitis son su principal origen, así como las cardiopatías congénitas cianosantes.
Metastatic Versus Osteoporotic Vertebral Fractures on MRI: A Blinded, Multicenter, and Multispecialty Observer Agreement Evaluation.
Background: MRI is assumed to be valid for distinguishing metastatic vertebral fractures (MVFs) from osteoporotic vertebral fractures (OVFs). This study assessed (1) concordance between the image-based diagnosis of MVF versus OVF and the reference (biopsy or follow-up of >6 months), (2) interobserver and intraobserver agreement on key imaging findings and the diagnosis of MVF versus OVF, and (3) whether disclosing a patient’s history of cancer leads to variations in diagnosis, concordance, or agreement. Patients and Methods: This retrospective cohort study included clinical data and imaging from 203 patients with confirmed MVF or OVF provided to 25 clinicians (neurosurgeons, radiologists…
Agreement in metastatic spinal cord compression
Background: Metastatic epidural spinal cord compression (ESCC) is a devastating medical emergency. The purpose of this study was to determine the reliability of the 6-point ESCC scoring system and the identification of the spinal level presenting ESCC. Methods: Clinical data and imaging from 90 patients with biopsy-proven spinal metastases were provided to 83 specialists from 44 hospitals. The spinal levels presenting metastases and the ESCC scores for each case were calculated twice by each clinician, with a minimum of 6 weeks' interval. Clinicians were blinded to assessments made by other specialists and their own previous assessment. Fleiss kappa (κ) statistic was used to assess intraobs…