Jean-françois Deconinck
Les forages de Juzanvigny (Aube, France): lithobiostratigraphie des formations du Barrémien à l'Albien moyen dans l'est du bassin de Paris et datations par les ammonites
RESUME Dans le departement de l'Aube, region stratotypique de l'etage Albien, plusieurs forages realises en 2013 ont traverse la plus grande partie des Argiles tegulines de Courcelles ou « Gault » auct. (Albien inferieur et moyen), les Sables verts de l'Aube (Aptien superieur), les Argiles a Plicatules (Aptien inferieur), les Sables et argiles bariolees (Barremien superieur) et la partie superieure des Argiles ostreennes (Barremien inferieur). Une description lithologique detaillee de la succession est realisee dans le but d'ameliorer la connaissance du Cretace inferieur de la bordure orientale du bassin de Paris dont les affleurements sont peu nombreux et discontinus. En ce qui concerne l'…
High-resolution clay mineralogy as a proxy for orbital tuning: example of the Hauterivian-Barremian transition in the Betic Cordillera (SE Spain).
11 pages; International audience; The response of clay mineral assemblages to potential orbital forcing is tested in Mesozoic hemipelagic marl- limestone rhythmites of the Río Argos section (Betic Cordillera, Southeastern Spain). Along the section, marls are pervasively enriched in kaolinite and illite, whereas limestones are enriched in smectite-rich illite/smectite mixed-layers, suggesting that marl-limestone alternations are produced by cyclic high-frequency fluctuations of continental runoff. Spectral analyses show that clay mineral assemblages evolve accordingly to precession, obliquity and eccentricity cycles. Durations of ammonite zones are assessed at 535 kyr for the Late Hauterivia…
Evolution of the neodymium isotopic signature of neritic seawater on a northwestern Pacific margin: new constrains on possible end-members for the composition of deep-water masses in the Late Cretaceous ocean.
11 pages; International audience; The Neodymium(Nd) isotope composition of fish remains has beenwidely used to track past changes in oceanic circulation. Although the number of published Nd isotope data for the Cretaceous has markedly increased in the last years, no consensus has been reached on the structure of the oceanic circulation and its evolution during the Late Cretaceous. Yet this period is characterised bymajor geodynamical and climatic changes andmarked by the disappearance of global oceanic anoxic events inwhich changes in oceanic circulation modesmay have played a significant role. In this study we present the first record of Nd isotopic composition of fish remains from contine…
Evidence of aerial volcanic activity during the Valanginian along the northern Tethys margin.
7 pages; International audience; Stratigraphic measurement and sampling on three sections (Vergol, La Charce, and Montclus) through Valanginian deposits from the Vocontian Basin (southeastern France) reveals the occurrence of centimetre thick ochre-coloured layers, which can be correlated from one section to another. At least twelve of these are identified in sediments dated from the Pertransiens to Furcillata ammonite Zones. These horizons appear similar to previously described Oxfordian and Aptian bentonites, also from the Vocontian Basin. Clay-mineralogical and geochemical data are similar in the Valanginian ochre horizons and their enclosing marls except in one of these that shows a cla…
Lowermost Jurassic dinosaur ecosystem from the Bleymard Strait (southern France): sedimentology, mineralogy, palaeobotany and palaeoichnology of the Dolomitic Formation.
AbstractWe report the first Hettangian theropod tracksite (~200 Ma) yielding a rich accumulation of plant remains from the Bleymard Strait (southern France). It constitutes an excellent opportunity to reconstruct lowermost Jurassic ecosystems hosting dinosaurs and which are still poorly documented in this area. Two morphotypes of tridactyl tracks are distinguished. They share similarities with Grallator and Kayentapus. Plant-bearing beds yield abundant leafy axes (Pagiophyllum peregrinum), male cones (Classostrobus sp.), wood (Brachyoxylon sp.) and pollen of conifers (Classopollis classoides). Sedimentological, petrological and mineralogical analyses demonstrated that, in the Dolomitic Form…
Importance des variations latérales discrètes dans les apports détritiques, observées dans des faciès de rampe sédimentaire riches en matière organique (Jurassique supérieur du Boulonnais).
17 pages; International audience; We studied a potential petroleum source rock deposited in a clastic-dominated ramp environment: the Argiles de Châtillon Formation (Kimmeridgian-Tithonian, Boulonnais area, northern France). The formation was deposited along a proximal-distal gradient on this ramp affected by synsedimentary fault movements. A sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical study was conducted to decipher the distribution patterns of sedimentary parameters along such a depth increase over the ramp. It comes out that smectite distribution unexpectedly mimics the lateral depth evolution despite the good floatability of the mineral. It is also observed that the Argiles de Châti…
Stratigraphy and stage boundaries in reference sections of the Upper Cretaceous Chalk in the east of the Paris Basin: the “Craie 700” Provins boreholes
Abstract The Provins boreholes (Poigny: Craie 701, and Sainte-Colombe: Craie 702) drilled in 1999 as part of the “Craie 700” project initiated by the Paris Basin Geologists' Association provide reference sections for the Upper Cretaceous of the eastern part of the Paris Basin. The lithology of the Cretaceous drilled at Poigny and Sainte-Colombe is presented in two logs displaying major litho-events that provide lines of correlation. Bio-events are expressed by the appearance/disappearance of index species of fossils. Foraminifera give a biozonation close to that defined by previous work on the Anglo-Paris Basin. Some of these bio-events provide a second set of lines useful for correlation. …
The origin and timing of multiphase cementation in carbonates: Impact of regional scale geodynamic events on the Middle Jurassic Limestones diagenesis (Paris Basin, France)
The Middle Jurassic carbonates of the eastern part of the Paris Basin display surprisingly low values of porosity and permeability (Φ < 15‰ and K < 0.5 mD). The main objective of this study is to determine the causes and timing of the cementation that altered the petrophysical properties of these carbonates thereby destroying their potential as oil reservoirs; a fate that did not befall their equivalents in deeper, central parts of the Paris Basin. Using petrographic and geochemical analyses (stable O and C isotopes, Sr isotopes, major elements), we identify six calcitic spar stages, two dolomite stages, and several episodes of fracturing and stylolitization ordered in paragenetic sequence.…
Characterization and correlation of Upper Jurassic (Oxfordian) bentonite deposits in the Paris Basin and the Subalpine Basin, France
Explosive volcanic activity is recorded in the Upper Jurassic of the Paris Basin and the Subalpine Basin of France by the identification of five bentonite horizons. These layers occur in Lower Oxfordian (cordatum ammonite zone) to Middle Oxfordian (plicatilis zone) clays and silty clays deposited in outer platform environments. In the Paris Basin, a thick bentonite (10–15 cm), identified in boreholes and in outcrop, is dominated by dioctahedral smectite (95%) with trace amounts of kaolinite, illite and chlorite. In contrast, five bentonites identified in the Subalpine Basin, where burial diagenesis and fluid circulation were more important, are composed of a mixture of kaolinite and regular…
Evolution climatique au Jurassique inférieur (Sinémurien supérieur) de la zone Nord-Ouest européenne, déduit de la minéralogie des argiles et des isotopes du carbone
International audience
Mineralogical variability of Callovo-Oxfordian clays from the Paris Basin and the Subalpine Basin.
High-resolution clay mineralogical data at the Middle/Upper Jurassic boundary from the French Subalpine Basin, the Jura Mountains and the Paris Basin (ANDRA boreholes) from Callovo-Oxfordian clayey deposits allow spatial and temporal terrigenous flux evolution to be considered over a period of 6 to 7 Myr. Recorded diachronisms of major mineralogical changes and complex clays distribution at the Paris Basin scale result to combined palaeogeographic/eustatic variations and climate input. In the French Subalpine Basin, mineralogical homogeneity confirms the burial diagenesis influence, but other terrigenous supplies must be involved in contrast to the Paris Basin domains. Volcanogenic clays (b…
Excursion géologique dans le Jurassique supérieur du Boulonnais
Milankovitch forcing of Early Jurassic wildfires
The Early Jurassic was characterized by major climatic and environmental perturbations which can be seen preserved at high resolution on orbital timescales. The Early Jurassic is a period of overall global warmth, and therefore serves as a suitable modern-day analogue to understand changes in the Earth System. Presently, Earth’s climate is warming and the frequency of large wildfires appears to be increasing. Recent research has indicated that Quaternary deposits reveal that wildfires respond to orbital forcings; however, to date no study has been able to test whether wildfire activity corresponds to changes over Milankovitch timescales in the deep past. A high-resolution astrochronology ex…
Stratigraphie et corrélations de l’Albien (Crétacé inférieur) du Sud-Est du bassin de Paris.
27 pages; National audience
Occurrence of organic-matter-rich beds in Early Cretaceous coastal evaporitic setting (Dorset, UK): a link to long-term palaeoclimate changes?
11 pages; International audience; In Dorset (southern U.K.), the Durlston Bay and Lulworth Cove sections expose lowermost Cretaceous coastal marine and non-marine partly evaporitic sediments (the so-called Purbeckian facies). An interval with organic matter (OM)-rich layers is recognized in both sections. This OM-rich interval is 20 m thick in the middle of the Durlston Bay section. Within these beds, a large OM accumulation is recorded, with total organic carbon (TOC) of up to 8.5 wt%. High hydrogen index (HI) values (up to 956 mgHC/gTOC) point to a Type I OM, generally considered as derived from algal-bacterial biomass. This contrasts with the OM present in the underlying and overlying in…
A possible tsunami deposit around the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in the Boulonnais area (northern France)
Abstract An unusual succession of facies locally deposited around the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary in the Boulonnais (northern France) is attributed to a tsunami event by comparison with recent tsunami deposits. This sedimentary succession includes basal erosion with reworked lithified blocks, soft-sediment deformations, an erosional conglomerate overlain by wood fragments and clays containing continental and marine fossils in one setting and conglomerate with mixed fauna in an other setting. The tsunami probably affected the coast of the Boulonnais area of the London–Brabant Massif. The origin of the event is unknown. It was most probably triggered by an earthquake, but other origins such …
Diagenesis of clay minerals and K-bentonites in Late Permian/Early Triassic sediments of the Sichuan Basin (Chaotian section, Central China).
10 pages; International audience; Detailed clay mineralogical analyses were carried out on Late Permian/Early Triassic carbonate sediments exposed on the Chaotian section (Sichuan Basin, Central China). The clay assemblages are dominantly composed of illite in platform carbonates and clay seams, and illite-smectite mixed-layers (I/S) in tuff layers (K-bentonites) intercalated in the carbonate succession. Detrital and authigenic volcanogenic clay minerals have been partially replaced through illitisation processes during burial, raising questions about diagenetic effects. The precise determination of I/S occurring in K-bentonites shows that the sediments reached a temperature of about 180 °C…
Les récifs des gardes dans la baie de Wissant (Pas-de-Calais) : des barres rocheuses albienne, aptienne et tithonienne.
Environmental and climatic controls of the clay mineralogy of Albian deposits in the Paris and Vocontian basins (France)
18 pages; International audience; High-resolution clay mineral analyses were performed on lower and middle Albian deposits from the Paris and Vocontian basins in order to specify the weathering conditions that prevailed at that time. The clay mineral assemblages are composed of small proportions of chlorite and vermiculitic clays associated with abundant illite, R0 type illite-smectite mixed-layers (smectite) and kaolinite. Clay minerals originated from the physical alteration and chemical weathering of rocks and soils outcropping on the Variscan massifs bordering the studied areas. In the Paris Basin, the covariation of illite and kaolinite suggests the reworking of these latter minerals f…
The Mid-Cenomanian Event in southeastern France: evidence from palaeontological and clay mineralogical data.
16 pages; International audience; Reconstruction of main palaeoenvironmental conditions across the Mid-Cenomanian Event (MCE I) in the hemipelagic Tethyan section of Blieux (Southeast France, Vocontian Basin) is proposed. Quantitative analyses of calcareous nannofossil, ammonoid and clay mineral assemblages have been made and compared with respect to sea level changes and the carbon cycle perturbations. The nannofossil primary productivity, as recorded by nannofossil fluxes and relative abundances of meso-eutrophic taxa, is low just below and during the MCE Ia, then slightly increases in the interval including the MCE Ib. The clay assemblages mainly consist of illite/smectite mixed-layers w…
Environmental change during the Early Cretaceous in the Purbeck-type Durlston Bay section (Dorset, Southern England): a biomarker approach.
20 pages; International audience; The Purbeck-type section (Durlston Bay, Dorset, UK) exhibits littoral lagoonal to lacustrine facies. It shows a gradual climatic/environmental change from semi-arid conditions associated with evaporites at the Jurassic–Cretaceous transition, to a more humid climate at the end of the Berriasian. Though generally organic-poor (total organic carbon, TOC, <1.3%), the Durlston Bay section shows an organic-rich episode (TOC up to 8.5%) located at the transition from evaporitic to more humid facies. A biomarker study was performed in order to determine the origin of the organic matter (OM) in the section and see if changes in organic sources accompanied the genera…
Acoustic properties of ancient shallow-marine carbonates: effects of depositional environments and diagenetic processes (Middle Jurassic, Paris Basin, France).
17 pages; International audience; Examination of petrophysical properties (acoustic velocity, porosity, permeability, and density) and petrographical characteristics (texture, facies composition, and diagenesis) of more than 250 core plugs from the Middle Jurassic carbonates of the eastern Paris Basin provides insights into the parameters controlling acoustic velocities in relatively low-porosity carbonate rocks ({Phi} < 20%). The pore-type observations reveal distinct acoustic velocities in samples with intergranular macropores and samples with micropores in subhedral micrite, such that velocities in microporous mudstone–wackestone (lagoonal) deposits are greater than in macroporous grains…
Contrôle géodynamique de la sédimentation argileuse du Callovien-Oxfordien moyen dans l'Est du bassin de Paris: influence eustatique et volcanique
The Middle Callovian to Middle Oxfordian clay deposits drilled in the eastern Paris Basin (borehole HTM 102, ANDRA) show a strong mineralogical change occurring in the lowermost Oxfordian (Scarburgense subzone, Mariae zone). Such a change probably results from the initial development of connections between the young Atlantic Ocean and the Paris Basin. A bentonitic layer identified close to the boundary between Lower and Middle Oxfordian and also recognized in the subalpine Basin (South-East of France) at the same age, reflects a volcanic activity probably resulting from an extensional regime located in the North Sea.
Minéralogie (fraction argileuse) de la région stratotypique.
5 pages; National audience
The Albian clays from Saint-Florentin (Yonne): stratigraphic markers and sequences in a condensed sedimentary succession. Mineralogy and climato-eustatic control.
To the south-east of the Paris Basin, the Albian Gault clays of Saint-Florentin in Yonne department, regionally known as « Argiles desPommerats Formation », are the subject of detailed biostratigraphic (ammonites and inoceramids) and lithological descriptions.Five 3rd order eustatic sequences are identified within the formation which corresponds to the upper part of the « Argiles tégulines deCourcelles Formation » in the Aube department. The comparison with coeval succession of Aube (38,91 m) and Yonne (10,70 m), 75 kmapart, reveals the condensed nature of the Argiles des Pommerats Formation. X-ray diffraction analyses of clay minerals show that theclay assemblages are dominantly composed o…
Orbital chronology of the lower-middle Aptian: palaeoenvironmental implications (Serre Chaitieu section, Vocontian Basin).
4 pages; International audience; A detailed cyclostratigraphic study conducted on several proxies including spectral gamma ray, magnetic susceptibility, clay minerals, and carbonate content suggests that the return to equilibrium in the carbon cycle after the major disturbance linked with Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a occurred in about 2 Myr. The minimum duration of the D. furcata zone is estimated at 0.46 Myr and that of the E. subnodosocostatum zone at 1.45 Myr. Strengthening of the obliquity record in the furcata zone confirms the cooling that characterizes this period.
An orbital floating time scale of the Hauterivian/Barremian GSSP from a magnetic susceptibility signal (Río Argos, Spain).
10 pages; International audience; An orbital floating time scale of the HauterivianeBarremian transition (Early Cretaceous) is proposed using high-resolution magnetic susceptibility measurements. Orbital tuning was performed on the Río Argos section (southeast Spain), the candidate for a Global boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the HauterivianeBarremian transition. Spectral analyses of MS variations, coupled with the frequency ratio method, allow the recognition of precession, obliquity and eccentricity frequency bands. Orbitallytuned magnetic susceptibility provides minimum durations for ammonite biozones. The durations of well-constrained ammonite zones are assessed at 0.78…
A record of the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary climatic variation on the southern margin of the Tethys : clay minerals and palynofacies of the early Cretaceous Jebel Meloussi section (Central Tunisia, Sidi Kralif Formation)
Abstract In order to precise the paleogeographic extension of the climatic variation known at the Jurassic/Cretaceous boundary, the sedimentary organic matter (palynofacies and Rock-Eval) and the clay minerals content of Berriasian sediments of the Sidi Kralif Formation are studied on the Jebel Meloussi section, central Tunisia. Standard sedimentological and palynofacies analysis allow to reconstruct the bathymetric curve and the sequence stratigraphic scheme. Using existing biostratigraphy based on calpionellids and ammonite zonation, the sequence stratigraphic interpretation can be correlated with the established eustatic chart. Clay mineral assemblages are characterized by a shift in the…
A global palaeoclimatic reconstruction for the Valanginian based on clay mineralogical and geochemical data
International audience; High-resolution clay mineral and δ18Ocarb analyses have been performed on three sections of Valanginian age (Early Cretaceous), from northwestern (~20–30°N) and southern (~53°S) Tethyan realms. The data have been integrated in a large set of published mineralogical (clays), and geochemical (δ18Ocarb, δ18Obivalve, δ18Olenticulina, δ18Obelemnite, and TEX86) data from 17 sections, situated between ~45°N and ~53°S. Based on this data set, we provide new insights into Valanginian climate conditions from a wide range of palaeolatitudes. We highlight climate trends within specific areas and identify main climate belts. In the Proto-North Atlantic realm (~15–17°N) large amou…
Late Cretaceous changes in continental configuration: toward a better-ventilated ocean?
International audience; Oceanic anoxic events (OAEs) are large-scale events of oxygen depletion in the deep ocean that happened dur-ing pre-Cenozoic periods of extreme warmth. Last global OAE occurred at the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary(OAE2) prior to the Late Cretaceous long term cooling. Ever since, and despite the occurrence of warming events,Earth no more experienced such large-scale anoxic conditions. Here we explore the role of major continentalconfiguration changes occurring during the Late Cretaceous on oceanic circulation modes through numerical sim-ulations using a General Circulation Model (GCM), that we confront to existing neodymium isotope data ("Nd).Except from a continuous d…
Conjunctive use of spectral gamma-ray logs and clay mineralogy in defining late Jurassic-early Cretaceous palaeoclimate change (Dorset, U.K.).
Abstract Detrital clay mineralogy is controlled by weathered source rock, climate, transport and deposition that in turn influence the spectral gamma-ray (SGR) response of resultant sediments. Whilst a palaeoclimate signal in clay mineralogy has been established in some ancient successions, the SGR response remains contentious, largely because the data sets have yet to be collected at the same or appropriate vertical scales to allow comparison. In addition, the influence of organic matter on SGR is not always considered. Here, we present clay mineralogical, total organic carbon (TOC) and SGR analyses from the late Jurassic and early Cretaceous of the Wessex Basin, a period of previously doc…
Synthesis of recent stratigraphic data on bathonian to oxfordian deposits of the eastern Paris basin
International audience
Astrochronology of the Valanginian-Hauterivian stages (Early Cretaceous): chronological relationships between the Paraná-Etendeka large igneous province and the Weissert and the Faraoni events.
16 pages; International audience; The Geological Time Scale shows large uncertainties on durations and ages of Berriasian to Albian stages (Early Cretaceous), which impact climate and paleoceanographic reconstructions. Here, we provide a new astrochronology of the Hauterivian Stage anchored on (1) recent biostratigraphically well-constrained published radio-isotopic dates, and (2) a previously published astrochronology of the Valanginian Stage. A new duration of the Hauterivian Stage is assessed here at 5.93 ± 0.41 myr. The retained age model, anchored on a latest CA-ID-TIMS U–Pb age from a tuff level in the Hauterivian of the Neuquén Basin (Argentina), dates the base of the Valanginian Sta…
First record of early Aptian Oceanic Anoxic Event 1a from the Paris Basin (France) - Climate signals on a terrigenous shelf
Abstract In 2013, Andra (French National Radioactive Waste Management Agency) drilled boreholes to the south-east of the Paris Basin, to characterise Aptian and Albian clayey formations, including the ‘Argiles a Plicatules’ Formation dated as early Aptian. One of these boreholes intersected this formation with an excellent recovery allowing detailed biostratigraphy (ammonites), sedimentology, clay mineralogy, isotope geochemistry (δ13Corg) and Rock-Eval analyses to be performed. The base of the formation corresponds to transgressive dark-grey silty clays with iron oolites and plant debris indicating a coastal environment evolving up-section to upper offshore environments. Higher in the succ…
Tectono-biosedimentary recordings at the Lias-Dogger transition: example of the Quercy carbonate platform (Aquitaine Basin, France).
AbstractOn the eastern edge of the Aquitaine Basin, the Lias-Dogger transition and the events, which occurred during this time interval are studied in the Quercy sedimentary basin. Stratigraphic correlations are proposed using a biochronological calibration based on the determination of numerous ammonites and brachiopods. Facies analyses using statistical processing integrate the presence of faults and tectonic compartments and lead to reconstruction of palaeoenvironments in space and time. The paper includes the description of system tracts following Haq et al. [1987] and Vail et al. [1991], and twelve palaeogeographic maps of the area studied. The objectives are to distinguish the various…
Astrochronology of the Valanginian stage from GSSP candidates and hypostratotype.
Valanginian; Astrochronology; Gamma-ray spectrometry; Weissert event; Paraná-Etendeka; International audience; The Valanginian Stage currently displays no radiometric age, which severely hampers palaeoceanographic reconstructions for this time interval. An astrochronology of the Valanginian Stage using the stable 405-kyr eccentricity cycle was performed on biostratigraphically well-calibrated standard sections from the Vocontian Basin (southeastern France). High-resolution gamma-ray spectrometry signals were obtained from orbitally driven marl-limestone alternations from five sections in the basin, and they display the same long-term trends. The spectral analyses present the pervasive recor…
Characterization and origin of permeability-porosity heterogeneity in shallow-marine carbonates: from core scale to 3D reservoir dimension (Middle Jurassic, Paris Basin, France).
21 pages; International audience; Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), stable isotope geochemistry of micro-sampled cores, NMR well-logs and 3D modeling are used to investigate the carbonate permeability-porosity heterogeneity along 230 m-thick limestones of the Paris Basin. Despite the global low porosity and permeability of the limestones, two aquifers units with porosity greater than 15% were identified. These two aquifers are very different in terms of pore through radii and NMR signal. The first one (A1: Aquifer 1) is a 7 m-thick mudstone unit, dominated by extended microporosity with pore throat radii of 0.25 μm to 0.3 μm. The second one (A2: Aquifer 2) is a 15 m-thick oolitic grainstone…
L’Albien type de l’Aube (France) : première description litho- biostratigraphique de la totalité des Argiles tégulines de Courcelles.
16 pages; National audience
Pétrographie et environnements sédimentaires.
345 pages; National audience; Cet ouvrage présente les processus sédimentaires, de l’érosion jusqu’à la transformation en roche, en passant par le transport et le dépôt. Il associe les aspects descriptifs des sédiments et roches sédimentaires et leurs processus de formations à travers quelques exemples choisis. Les méthodes d’observations des roches sédimentaires et les techniques avancées de la pétrographie sédimentaire sont décrites (coloration, cathodoluminescence, diffraction X, Microscopie électronique...). De nombreuses photographies de terrain, d’échantillons macroscopiques et de lames minces permettent d’appréhender la discipline à différentes échelles. L'utilisation des différentes…
Réponses du d13C au forçage astronomique dans divers contextes de production carbonatée : le cas du Valanginien du Sud-Est de la France
International audience; Le d13C est un outil fréquemment utilisé pour établir des échelles de temps astronomiques en milieu (hémi-) pélagique. Pourtant le lien entre d13C et forçage astronomique n’est pas toujours clair, tant les sources de carbone sont multiples. Nous avons comparé le d13C à la susceptibilité magnétique (SM) et aux cortèges argileux dans les séries marno-calcaires du Valanginien du Bassin Vocontien (SE France). Ces deux signaux sont fréquemment utilisés pour détecter un forçage astronomique dans les alternances marno-calcaires. Deux intervalles de 400 ka (correspondant à un cycle de grande excentricité) ont été ciblés, l’un avant la crise des producteurs carbonatés associé…
Astrochronology of the Valanginian Stage from reference sections (Vocontian Basin, France) and palaeoenvironmental implications for the Weissert Event.
12 pages; International audience; High-resolution gamma-ray measurements performed on five biostratigraphically well-dated reference sections from the Vocontian Basin (south-eastern France) are used to develop a new astrochronology of the Valanginian Stage and its subdivisions (i.e. ammonite and calcareous nannofossil zones and subzones). Spectral analyses show a pervasive dominance of 405-kyr eccentricity cycles with the expression of 100-kyr eccentricity, obliquity and precession. Previous rough estimates of Valanginian Stage duration ranged from 3.9 to 6.5 myr but were generally based on less reliable or indirect methods. This study provides a precise duration of 5.08 myr, tuning the ser…
Specifications for carbonate content quantification in recent marine sediments using Rock-Eval pyrolysis
11 pages; International audience; The amount of CaCO3 in sediments and/or sedimentary rocks is usually measured by calcimetry while the nature of the carbonates is determined by X-ray diffraction. Recently, a carbonate recognition method based on the results of Rock-Eval pyrolysis was proposed in 2014 by Pillot et al. [1]. Rock-Eval pyrolysis is also widely used for the characterization of recent sediments. However, later in 2015 Baudin et al. [2] noticed that some of the characteristics of recent sediments tended to produce different results from those of more classical Rock-Eval analyses, causing bias in interpretations.In this study, the thermal stability of fossil and recent marine carb…
Late Jurassic palaeoclimatic change from clay mineralogy and gamma-ray spectrometry of the Kimmeridge Clay, Dorset, UK
Abstract: The Late Jurassic was a time of increasing aridity in NW Europe. Here, a new clay mineral dataset is presented from a 600 m thick composite core through the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, southern England. Clay mineral assemblages comprise mainly illite and kaolinite, with minor randomly interstratified illite–smectite mixed-layer clays. SEM observations indicate that clay minerals are mainly detrital, except in silty strata of late Tithonian age, which contain abundant pore-filling kaolinite aggregates. Th/K ratios determined from gamma-ray spectrometry mirror palaeoclimatically significant variations in kaolinite/illite ratios, with notable exception where diagenetic kaolinite occur…
Isotopic seawater temperatures in the Albian Gault Clay of the Boulonnais (Paris Basin): Palaeoenvironmental implications
13 pages; International audience; Oxygen isotopes were measured on several types of fossil hardparts from the Gault Clay Formation including benthic and planktonic foraminifera, belemnite guards, and fish small-teeth. Belemnites δ18O values indicate low temperatures (13.5–19.3 °C) with an increase from the Middle to Late Albian. Foraminifera provide variable δ18O values, some too low to be relevant in terms of temperature (until 42 °C). These low values probably result from a diagenetic alteration of the foraminiferal tests even though SEM observations revealed well-preserved microstructures. However, higher foraminiferal δ18O values recorded in some levels indicate temperatures in the rang…
Late Cretaceous palaeoenvironments expressed by the clay mineralogy of Cenomanian–Campanian chalks from the east of the Paris Basin
Abstract The clay fraction of Cenomanian–Campanian chalks cored at Poigny and Sainte-Colombe, close to Provins (east-south-east of Paris), includes variable proportions of smectitic minerals, illite and kaolinite. The smectitic sediments (which constitute the background of low-terrigenous supply throughout the stratigraphic interval) resulted mainly from the warm, humid climate and high sea level that prevailed during Late Cretaceous in this area. During the Late Turonian, the smectitic sedimentation was interrupted by significant detrital inputs of illite and kaolinite. This reflected tectonic rejuvenation of landmasses coeval with an explosive volcanism expressed by the occurrence of bent…
Distribution of clay minerals in Early Jurassic Peritethyan seas: palaeoclimatic significance inferred from multiproxy comparisons.
13 pages; International audience; A set of published, unpublished, and new clay mineral data from 60 European and Mediterranean localities allows us to test the reliability of clay minerals as palaeoclimatic proxies for the Pliensbachian–Toarcian period (Early Jurassic) by reconstructing spatial and temporal variations of detrital fluxes at the ammonite biochronozone resolution. In order to discuss their palaeoclimatic meaning, a compilation of low-latitude belemnite δ18O, δ13C, Mg/Ca, and 87Sr/86Sr values is presented for the first time for the whole Pliensbachian– Toarcian period. Once diagenetic and authigenic biases have been identified and ruled out, kaolinite content variation is cons…
Oligo-Miocene lacustrine microbial and metazoan buildups from the Limagne Basin (French Massif Central)
The Limagne Basin (French Massif Central) is an extensive continental lacustrine system accommodating microbial and metazoan buildups from Chattian to Aquitanian age. A description of these buildups and their associated biotic components in Grand Gandaillat and Crechy quarries provides insights into their spatio-temporal distribution patterns. Flats, cauliflowers, domes, cones and coalescent columnar morphologies have been identified with a main laminated mesofabric and laminated, columnar, filamentous and caddisfly-coated microfabrics. Two low-gradient margin models emerged based on the changes in the distribution, morphology and size of the microbial and metazoan-rich deposits through tim…
Evolution climatique au Jurassique inférieur (Sinémuriensupérieur) de la zone Nord-Ouest européenne, déduit de laminéralogie des argiles et des isotopes du carbone
National audience; L’étude des minéraux argileux et des isotopes stables (carbone) du Sinémuriensupérieur du bassin de Cardigan Bay (forage de Mochras, Pays de Galles) et du bassinde Paris (forage de Montcornet, France) permet de mettre en évidence les conditionsenvironnementales et climatiques dominantes à cette période. Dans les deux bassins,situés à des paléolatitudes proches (30 à 35°N), les assemblages de minéraux argileuxcomprennent des chlorites, des illites, des interstratifiés illite-smectite (IS R1), dessmectites et des kaolinites dans des proportions variables. L'influence de la diagenèsed’enfouissement et de l'authigénèse étant négligeable dans les deux forages, lesminéraux argi…
Climatic ups and downs in a disturbed Jurassic world.
4 pages; International audience; The tropical, warm, and equable climate of the Jurassic world is regularly challenged by geoscientists, especially since oxygen isotopes ( 18O) of fossil hardparts have been used to reconstruct the paleotemperature history of seawater. By applying the innovative “SiZer” (significant zero crossings of the derivatives) statistical approach to a newly compiled 18O database for the Jurassic, we demonstrate the occurrence of major and multiscale 18O changes mainly related to climate disturbances. For the first time, two long-term anomalies in 18O are identified during the Toarcian and the Late Jurassic, in conjunction with intensive volcanism in large igneous pro…
Inverted responses of the carbon cycle to orbital forcing in Mesozoic peri‐platform marginal basins: implications for astrochronology
International audience; Astrochronology depends on the faithful record of insolation forcing in climatic proxies, including the carbon isotope composition measured on bulk carbonates (δ13Ccarb). In marginal basins close to carbonate platforms, the source of carbonate is varied, which can impact the record of the astronomical cycles in the δ13Ccarb signal. We compare here the δ13Ccarb values together with detrital and weathering proxies before and during a crisis in the platform carbonate production (Weissert event, Valanginian, ~135 Ma) to document how a change in the carbonate source can affect the record of the orbital forcing by the carbon isotope system. The level of burial diagenesis w…
Lower Aptian climate and recording of the oceanic anoxic event 1a on the terrigenous shelf of the Paris Basin.
Evolution of neodymium isotopic signature of seawater during the Late Cretaceous: implications for intermediate and deep circulation.
20 pages; International audience; Neodymium isotopic compositions (εNd) have been largely used for the last fifty years as a tracer of past ocean circulation, and more intensively during the last decade to investigate ocean circulation during the Cretaceous period. Despite a growing set of data, circulation patterns still remain unclear during this period. In particular, the identification of the deep-water masses and their spatial extension within the different oceanic basins are poorly constrained. In this study we present new deep-water εNd data inferred from the Nd isotope composition of fish remains and Fe–Mn oxyhydroxide coatings on foraminifera tests, along with new εNd data of resid…
Late Jurassic palaeoclimatic change from clay mineralogy and gamma-ray spectrometry of the Kimmeridge Clay, Dorset, UK
The Late Jurassic was a time of increasing aridity in NW Europe. Here, a new clay mineral dataset is presented from a 600 m thick composite core through the Kimmeridge Clay Formation, southern England. Clay mineral assemblages comprise mainly illite and kaolinite, with minor randomly interstratified illite–smectite mixed-layer clays. SEM observations indicate that clay minerals are mainly detrital, except in silty strata of late Tithonian age, which contain abundant pore-filling kaolinite aggregates. Th/K ratios determined from gamma-ray spectrometry mirror palaeoclimatically significant variations in kaolinite/illite ratios, with notable exception where diagenetic kaolinite occurs. Compari…