Bernadette Nicot

Determinism, Probability, and Imprecision in Decision Making

International audience; This chapter looks into the decision to move house and the way in which the decision can be formalized by integrating the reflections from the previous chapters. The fact is that the decision-making process is seldom considered in the context of mathematical modelling of residential mobility. The modelling approaches set out in chapter 9 rest essentially on the concept of preferences and investigate the way in which individuals set about classifying criteria or alternatives with respect to residential choice.

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The Wheres and Hows of Residential Choice

International audience; A wide variety of choices and decisions are open to individuals when looking for a place to live: a flat or a house, renting or buying depending on one’s resources and plans; living in a city centre to enjoy its buzz, or in a certain district to have a school close by, or on the outskirts in a more village-like setting; and in this last case, how far from urban centres and major access routes? What ultimately are individuals’ preferences? All these questions presuppose looking at how they perceive and evaluate the urban environment so as to better grasp what it is that leads to residential satisfaction. However, it is not the evaluation or satisfaction in itself that…

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Processus de décision en géoéconomie dans un contexte imprécis et incertain

Issued from a pluridisciplinary workshop organized bt the ThéMA laboratory, this article tries to evaluate the boom due to fuzzy sets theory to analyse and model geoeconomical decision processes in an imprecise and uncertain context, analysing and describing some particular examples. The aim is also to enhance the relations between geography and economics in such a research topic.

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Affect, Uncertainty, and Decision-Making

International audience; Decision-making is a complex cognitive process of selecting an action among various alternatives. Everyday life is full of situations calling for multiple decisions: living somewhere, moving home, choosing a route, changing route are all decisions that determine our life setting and way of life. These decisions may have a limited impact or over the longer term may cause slight inconvenience, a fleeting feeling of well-being or deep unease, or possibly even unbearable anxiety.

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Préférences, utilité, choix et attractivité

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Habiter : où et comment ?

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Simulating intra-urban residential migrations

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Preferences, Utility, Choice, and Attractiveness

International audience; The purpose of this chapter is to specify what is meant by preferences, utility, choice, and attractiveness in the context of daily and residential mobility. These notions will be addressed from the angles of economics, geography, and psychology. We are interested in the process of choice leading to a decision and action with spatial consequences, primarily in terms of residential mobility even if factors pertaining to local daily mobility such as modal choice and route choice are evoked.

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L'Union européenne et les défis énergétiques du XXIème siècle

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