Sebastien Carrere

Pea in the genomic era

research product

Characterisation of rye-grass (Lolium sp.) transcriptome-wide response to ALS-inhibiting herbicides

International audience; Non-target-site-resistance (NTSR) to herbicides is a major cause for failure in the chemical control of a number of weeds, and is especially widespread and important in grass weeds. Although several gene families have been shown to be involved in NTSR (cytochromes p450, glutathione-S-transferases, glycosyl-transferases, ABC transporters, esterases…), the genetic determinants of NTSR are still poorly known to date. NTSR is part of the response of weeds to herbicides. To unravel NTSR, it is thus of interest to firstly characterise the processes involved in herbicide stress response in grasses. For this purpose, we implemented a comparative whole-transcriptome sequencin…

research product

Identification de gènes liés à la résistance aux herbicides non liée à la cible chez les Ivraies : vers des tests « moléculaires » de diagnostic

Identification of genes linked to non-target-site resistance to herbicides in ryegrass : towards "molecular" diagnosis assays. Setting up molecular diagnosis tools would greatly foster preventing and managing non-target-sitebased resistance to herbicides (NTSR). This is currently hampered by the complexity of NTSR genetic determinism, which is largely based upon differences in the expression of an unknown number of genes between resistant and sensitive plants. Identifying NTSR genes is thus a challenging task. Herein, we report the identification of 19 genes which expression patterns are correlated to NTSR to ALS-inhibiting herbicides in rye-grasses (Lolium sp.). We demonstrate the potentia…

research product

Pea in the genomic era

Pea in the genomic era. Séminaire IFR AIB (Agrobiosciences, Interactions & Biodiversité)

research product