Ilya Tyapin
Combined Stiffness Identification of 6-DoF Industrial Robot
Static Deflection Compensation of Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators Under Gravity
The static deflection compensation method of a planar multi-link flexible manipulator is proposed using the feedback from inertial sensors mounted at the tip of each link. The proposed compensation technique is validated experimentally using a high-precision laser tracker. The proposed strategy is experimentally verified using a three-link flexible manipulator. A strategy to compensate for the centripetal and tangential acceleration induced on the accelerometer mounted on the rotating link is proposed for correct inclination estimation. The improvement in the inclination estimation using the proposed compensation technique is verified both in simulation and experimental studies.
Camera-LiDAR Data Fusion for Autonomous Mooring Operation
Author's accepted manuscript. © 2020 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. The use of camera and LiDAR sensors to sense the environment has gained increasing popularity in robotics. Individual sensors, such as cameras and LiDARs, fail to meet the growing challenges in complex autonomous systems. One such scenario is autonomous mooring, where the ship has to …
Autonomous Mooring towards Autonomous Maritime Navigation and Offshore Operations
Bollard is a vital component of mooring system. It is the anchor point for mooring ropes to be fixed in order to secure the vessel or ship. An algorithm that translates the segmented mask of bollard output from masked R-CNN along with bounding box and associated class probability to its corresponding edge coordinate and finally to the single reference point for efficient detection and classification of bollard towards autonomous mooring is presented. At first stage, Mask R-CNN framework is trained with custom built bollard. The model obtained from the training is inferred with real data resulting in instance segment of bollard. The segmented mask obtained contains relatively large amount of…
A knowledge-based master model approach exemplified with jet engine structural design
Successful product development requires the consideration of multiple engineering disciplines and the quantification of tradeoffs among conflicting objectives from the very early design phases. The single-largest challenge to do so is the lack of detailed design information. A possible remedy of this issue is knowledge-based engineering. This paper presents a knowledge-based master model approach that enables the management of concurrent design and analysis models within different engineering disciplines in relation to the same governing product definition. The approach is exemplified on an early phase structural design of a turbo-fan jet engine. The model allows geometric-, structural mech…
Multi-Objective Design of Optimisation of a Class of PKMs - The 3-DOF Gantry-Tau
The main contribution of this paper is the use of the evolutionary multi-objective methodology based on the com plex search algorithm and geometric approaches to optimise a parallel kinematic structure. The design optimisation scheme includes the kinematic (collisions free workspace), elastostatic (Cartesian stiffness in the Y direction) and elastodynamic (first resonance frequency) properties of the PKM as the objectives. The optimisation constraints are the support frame lengths, actuator positions, end-effector’s kinematic parameters and the robot’s arm lengths. The optimisation results are presented in this paper.
Kinematic calibration method for a 5-DOF Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine
In this paper a new step-wise approach to kinematic calibration of a 5-DOF Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine (PKM) is presented. The approach can be adapted to the modular design of the PKM and the calibration could easily perform part of the assembly instructions for the machine. By using measurements from a laser tracker and least-squares estimates of polynomial functions, a typical accuracy of about 20 micrometer was achieved for the base actuators. The remaining set of 30 general parameters for the hexapod link structure and spherical joint connections were successfully estimated using the Complex search-based evolutionary algorithm.
The Gantry-Tau parallel kinematic machine-kinematic and elastodynamic design optimisation
Pubished version of an article in the journal: Meccanica. Also available from the publisher at: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11012-010-9394-9 One of the main advantages of the Gantry-Tau machine is a large accessible workspace/footprint ratio compared to many other parallel machines. The optimal kinematic, elastostatic and elastodynamic design parameters of the machine are still difficult to calculate and this paper introduces an optimisation scheme based on the geometric and functional dependencies to define the workspace and first resonance frequency. This method assumes that each link and universal joint can be described by a mass-spring-damper model and calculates the transfer function fr…
Leakage-detection in blade pitch control systems for wind turbines
The main contribution of the work is a systematic study evaluating the performance of different filters for leakage detection in pitch control systems. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is examined in a Matlab/Simulink real-time environment. The test bed consists of the following elements: hydraulic power unit, servo valve, two leakage bypasses, hydraulic cylinder, payload and xPC-based control system. The filters are tested with the state-augmentation and the hypothesis testing approaches. To our knowledge, the comparison of these different approaches has not been done previously for this type of application. The paper concludes on the accuracy and sensitivity of the leakage detect…
Dynamic Modeling of Planar Multi-Link Flexible Manipulators
A closed-form dynamic model of the planar multi-link flexible manipulator is presented. The assumed modes method is used with the Lagrangian formulation to obtain the dynamic equations of motion. Explicit equations of motion are derived for a three-link case assuming two modes of vibration for each link. The eigenvalue problem associated with the mass boundary conditions, which changes with the robot configuration and payload, is discussed. The time-domain simulation results and frequency-domain analysis of the dynamic model are presented to show the validity of the theoretical derivation.
Jet Engine Design Optimization Using a Knowledge-Based Master Model
This paper presents a preliminary design optimization study of a jet engine structure using a knowledge-based master modeling approach. The objective function is derived based on input-output relationships of a cost-performance model, where specific fuel consumption, pressure loss and direct cost are considered. The advantage of this problem formulation is that it entails a single composite objective function that takes into account mass, structural characteristics, dynamic response and translates them to a direct operational cost function to be minimized. A fan-blade-off scenario is considered as the loading case in this paper. The loss of one fan blade during nominal operation causes a ro…
Review on Modeling and Control of Flexible Link Manipulators
This paper presents a review of dynamic modeling techniques and various control schemes to control flexible link manipulators (FLMs) that were studied in recent literature. The advantages and complexities associated with the FLMs are discussed briefly. A survey of the reported studies is carried out based on the method used for modeling link flexibility and obtaining equations of motion of the FLMs. The control techniques are reviewed by classifying them into two main categories: model-based and model-free control schemes. The merits and limitations of different modeling and control methods are highlighted.
Robotic face milling path correction and vibration reduction
In this paper the developed method for off-line compensation of tool deflections and vibration reduction when milling aluminum with an industrial robot is presented. The efficiency of this approach is verified with high precision measurements of deflections using a laser tracker. The compensation method is based on the static milling process model which can predict the mean value components of the tool forces and the passive damping system mounted on the spindle to reduce vibrations. With a process model such as the one presented in this paper and estimates of the robot's joint stiffness values, the tool path can be adjusted to counteract deflections of the tool during milling operations. T…
Method for estimating combined controller, joint and link stiffnesses of an industrial robot
In this paper a new combined local/global approach for estimating the combined stiffnesses of joints in anthropomorphic robots is presented. The stiffness of each joint is a combination of several effects: i) stiffness of the links, ii) stiffness of joint bearings and gears and iii) stiffness of the position control loops given by the individual axis controller gains in the controller software. Experimental results are presented for an ABB IRB6600 industrial robot using measurements from a FARO Xi laser tracker and an ATI Omega160 force/torque sensor. The results show that there is a significant variation in stiffness among the individual joints of the robot and that the stiffnesses of the …
Control of Redundant Flexible Manipulators with Redundancy Resolution
Author's accepted manuscript. © 2022 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works. This paper deals with the online control of a redundant flexible link manipulator to achieve minimum oscillations using the redundancy resolution technique. Different redundancy resolution techniques proposed and used for rigid link manipulators are tested for their use in the case of…
Task Planner for Robotic Disassembly of Electric Vehicle Battery Pack
The rapidly growing deployment of Electric Vehicles (EV) put strong demands on the development of Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs) but also into its dismantling process, a necessary step for circular economy. The aim of this study is therefore to develop an autonomous task planner for the dismantling of EV Lithium-Ion Battery pack to a module level through the design and implementation of a computer vision system. This research contributes to moving closer towards fully automated EV battery robotic dismantling, an inevitable step for a sustainable world transition to an electric economy. For the proposed task planner the main functions consist in identifying LIB components and their locations, …
Extended friction model of a hydraulic actuated system
The main contribution of this paper is an experimental validation and comparison of three different friction models for an electro-hydraulic servo system. The first is the well-kn own LuGre model which incorporates dynamic friction effects. The second model is based on a relatively recent publication by Yanada in 2008 [6], which incorporates liquid film thickness in the servo valve. The third model is a new contribution presented in this paper, where valve underlap and mass acceleration are combined with the LuGre model. The experimental results show that for hydraulic systems, the film thickness model is an improvement over the LuGre model, while the new model presented in this paper is an…
Kinematic and Elastostatic Design Optimisation of the 3-DOF Gantry-Tau Parallel Kinematic Manipulator
Published version of an article in the journal: Modeling Identification and Control. Also available from the publisher:http://dx.doi.org/10.4173/mic.2009.2.1 One of the main advantages of the Gantry-Tau machine is a large accessible workspace/footprint ratio compared to many other parallel machines. The Gantry-Tau improves this ration further by allowing a change of assembly mode without internal link collisions or collisions between the links and end-effector. The reconfigurable Gantry-Tau kinematic design obtained by multi-objective optimisation according to this paper gives the following features: 3-D workspace/footprint ration is more than 3.19, lowest Cartesian stiffness in the workspa…
A framework for data integration of offshore wind farms
Abstract Operation and maintenance play an important role in maximizing the yield and minimizing the downtime of wind turbines, especially offshore wind farms where access can be difficult due to harsh weather conditions for long periods. It contributes up to 25–30% to the cost of energy generation. Improved operation and maintenance (O&M) practices are likely to reduce the cost of wind energy and increase safety. In order to optimize the O&M, the importance of data exchange and knowledge sharing within the offshore wind industry must be realized. With more data available, it is possible to make better decisions, and thereby improve the recovery rates and reduce the operational costs. This …
Hard material small-batch industrial machining robot
Abstract Hard materials can be cost effectively machined with standard industrial robots by enhancing current state-of-the-art technologies. It is demonstrated that even hard metals with specific robotics-optimised novel hard-metal tools can be machined by standard industrial robots with an improved position-control approach and enhanced compliance-control functions. It also shows that the novel strategies to compensate for elastic robot errors, based on models and advanced control, as well as the utilisation of new affordable sensors and human-machine interfaces, can considerably improve the robot performance and applicability of robots in machining tasks. In conjunction with the developme…
Identification of a static tool force model for robotic face milling
In this paper two different process models which can predict the mean value components of the tool forces when milling aluminium, bronze and steel with an industrial robot have been estimated. The parameters in the process models were depth and width of cut, while feedrate and cutting speed were found from the tool manufacturer's datasheets. The models were estimated from a large set of machining experiments. Different measurement sets were used for parameter estimation and for model verification. The estimated models were found to be accurate. For the experiments in aluminium and the model using only the depth of cut as parameter, the average error was about 18N. For the model using both d…
Product development and project-based learning in Mechatronics, in the context of digitization and sustainability
Engineering projects affect many of the UN’s sustainability goals. The development and design of new products and systems using a circular economy perspective is an important challenge towards a more sustainable society. Product development projects have common process characteristics, but methodologies, tools and methods differ for developing hardware (mechanical and electrical) or developing software. In Mechatronics such methods need to be combined, and product development and project-based learning is well suited for teaching and learning within Mechatronics, in addition to technical specialization subjects within both mechanical, electrical and software engineering. It is also suited f…
Modeling and Analysis of Flexible Bodies Using Lumped Parameter Method
The modeling, identification and analysis of a flexible beam is presented. The lumped parameter method is used to model a flexible beam. The use of camera measurements to identify lumped parameters, namely spring stiffness and damping coefficient, is described. The measurements of the tip oscillations using a high-speed camera and high-precision laser tracker are compared. The static and dynamic behavior of the flexible beam model is compared to the experimental results to show the validity of the model.
A knowledge-based master-model approach with application to rotating machinery design
Novel rotating machinery design concepts and architectures are being explored to reduce mass, energy consumption, manufacturing costs, and environmental impact while increasing performance. As component manufacturers supply parts to original equipment manufacturers, it is desirable to design the components using a systems approach so that they are optimized for system-level performance. To accomplish that, suppliers must be able to model and predict the behavior of the whole machinery. Traditional computer-aided design/computer-aided engineering master-modeling approaches enable manual changes to be propagated to linked models. Novel knowledge-based master-modeling approaches enable automa…
Tool-Point Control for a Redundant Heave Compensated Hydraulic Manipulator
Abstract In this paper, theoretical and experimental implementation of heave compensation on a redundant hydraulically actuated manipulator with 3-dof has been carried out. The redundancy is solved using the pseudo-inverse Jacobian method. Techniques for minimizing velocities and avoiding mechanical joint saturations is implemented in the null space joint motion. Model based feed-forward, combined with a PI-controller handles the velocity control of each joint. A time domain simulation model has been developed, experimentally verified, and used for controller parameter tuning. Model verification and experimental results are obtained while the manipulator is exposed to wave disturbances crea…
Off-line path correction of robotic face milling using static tool force and robot stiffness
In this paper the developed method for off-line compensation of tool deflections when milling aluminum with an industrial robot is presented. The efficiency of this approach is verified with high precision measurements of deflections using a laser tracker. The compensation method includes both the static milling process model which can predict the mean value components of the tool forces and a new combined local/global approach for estimating the combined stiffnesses of joints. With a process model such as the one presented in this paper and estimates of the robot's joint stiffness values, the tool path can be adjusted to counteract deflections of the tool during milling operations. The mod…