Cathrine Thomsen
Biomarkers, matrices and analytical methods targeting human exposure to chemicals selected for a European human biomonitoring initiative
E-mail addresses: kvo@envs.au.dk (K. Vorkamp), Castano@isciii.es (A. Castaño), Jean-Philippe.Antignac@oniris-nantes.fr (J.-P. Antignac), Luis.Boada@ulpgc.es (L.D. Boada), ECequier@quimica.udl.cat (E. Cequier), Adrian.Covaci@uantwerpen.be (A. Covaci), M.Esteban@isciii.es (M. Esteban López), LineSmastuen.Haug@fhi.no (L.S. Haug), Kasper@ipa-dguv.de (M. Kasper-Sonnenberg), Koch@ipa-dguv.de (H.M. Koch), Octavio.Perez@ulpgc.es (O. Pérez Luzardo), Agnese.Osite@lu.lv (A. Osīte), Loic.Rambaud@santepubliquefrance.fr (L. Rambaud), mtpin@ticino.com (M.-T. Pinorini), Gabriele.Sabbioni@bluewin.ch (G. Sabbioni), Cathrine.Thomsen@fhi.no (C. Thomsen).; International audience; The major purpose of human biom…
Risk assessment of dioxins, furans, and dioxin-like PCBs in food in Norway - Scientific Opinion of the Panel on Contaminants of the Norwegian Scientific Committee for Food and Environment
Hentet fra: https://vkm.no/risikovurderinger/allevurderinger/dioksinerimatentildennorskebefolkningen.4.413ea92416707dc4375a0a18.html Dioxins and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) are lipophilic chemicals with long half-lives in the environment. Dioxins include both polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDD) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDF). Several congeners of PCDDs and PCDFs may occur, with varying number and positions of chlorine atoms in the molecules. Seventeen of these congeners are relatively persistent in animals and humans and exert similar toxicity. A subgroup of 12 out of 209 possible polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners show toxicological properties simil…
Prenatal exposure to phenols and lung function, wheeze, and asthma in school-age children from 8 European birth cohorts
Prenatal exposure to phenolic compounds, widely used in many consumer products, can alter lung development and increase the risk of respiratory disorders in the offspring. However, evidence is scarce and mostly focused on bisphenol-A (BPA), although there are other substitutes that could also interfere with the developing respiratory system. We aim to estimate the association between exposure to 5 phenols during pregnancy (BPA, BPAF, BPB, BPF, and BPS) and lung function, wheeze, and asthma in school-age children. We included 2685 mother-child pairs from 8 European birth cohorts. Phenols concentrations were determined in urinary maternal samples collected during pregnancy (1999-2010). Betwee…
Environmental Risk Score of subclinical Psychopathology risk in children
Current knowledge on environmental causation for psychiatric disorders suggests a complex picture with a multitude of social, physical and chemical exposures occurring at different stages of life. ...