Javed Iqbal

Fabrication and characterization of ZnO/Zn2TiO4/ZnAl2O4 composite films by using magnetron sputtering with ceramic targets

Abstract Transparent conducting oxides (TCO), including ZnO/Zn2TiO4/ZnAl2O4 composite films, are of considerable importance in optoelectronic applications. We fabricated composite film assisted with DC magnetron sputtering using ceramic target material (ZnO, TiO2, and Al2O3 powders mixture). The influence of processing gases composition (0–50% O2–Ar) on film characteristics, including structural, optical, and electronic properties, is assessed. All films contain hexagonal wurtzite ZnO structure and ZnAl2O4, Zn2TiO4 spinel phases, with (002), (100), and (101) as dominant orientation by increasing oxygen contents. The transmittance of deposited films is above 81% (except for 50% oxygen), and …

research product

Surface modification of AISI-304 steel by ZnO synthesis using cathodic cage plasma deposition

Abstract Zinc-oxide (ZnO), a solid lubricant coating, can increase the wear resistance of steels by working as a self-lubricant. In this study, ZnO film is synthesized using the cathodic cage plasma deposition (CCPD) technique, using galvanized steel cathodic cage (steel cage with zinc coating). The effect of gas composition (H2 is added in Ar-O2) is investigated to optimize the film properties. The surface hardness is increased more than twice in each processing condition. The deposited film shows ZnO phases for samples treated with low hydrogen contents and a combination of ZnO and magnetite phase (Fe3O4) with higher hydrogen contents. The thickness of film reduced from 1.28 μm to 0.5 μm …

research product