Päivi Venäläinen

Contemporary Art as a Learning Experience

Abstract Art has changed a lot during the last fifty years. In spite of that, the role of art in schools has remained the same. The aim of this paper is to show the many different ways contemporary art offers itself as an environment for learning. An idea of contemporary art as a learning experience presented here is based on teacher's views on the matter. The analysis of the material shows that by concretizing the properties of artworks and the experience produced by them, arguments for seeing contemporary art both as a credible and a necessary environment of learning can be found.

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Erinomaisuuden periaate taidekasvatuksessa : taidekasvatuksen merkityksen tarkastelua Ralph A. Smithin taidekasvatusnäkemyksen kautta

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Työvoimaneuvojien näkemykset laadukkaasta palvelusta ja asiakaspalveluun liittyvä koettu koulutustarve Jyväskylän työvoimatoimistossa

research product

Public Institutions as Learning Environments in Finland

Public cultural institutions in this article are understood to be a part of the built up environment. The services provided by these are available to all citizens in Finland. These include: libraries, museums, various art institutions, theatres, music institutions and science centres. The expertise of the writers of the article is based on museums and libraries as learning environments, so the content of the article will focus on them. Finland has a broad network of public libraries and museums.

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