A 4500 year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relative palaeointensity from the Tyrrhenian Sea
A marine sediment core from the western Mediterranean provides a newhigh-resolution 4,500-year record of palaeomagnetic secular variation and relativepalaeointensity. In 2013, the 7.1-metre C5 core was recovered from the TyrrhenianSea as part of the NextData climate data project. The coring site, 15 km offshorefrom the Volturno river mouth, is well-located to record combined marine andterrestrial palaeoclimatic influences, and the fine-grained, rapidly deposited sedimentsare effective palaeomagnetic recorders. We investigate the palaeomagnetic field direction and strength recorded in the core, which provide a valuable high-resolution recordof Holocene geomagnetic variation in the area. Usin…