Differential effects of EGF receptor signalling on neuroblast lineages along the dorsoventral axis of the Drosophila CNS
ABSTRACT The Drosophila ventral nerve cord derives from a stereotype population of about 30 neural stem cells, the neuroblasts, per hemineuromere. Previous experiments provided indications for inductive signals at ventral sites of the neuroectoderm that confer neuroblast identities. Using cell lineage analysis, molecular markers and cell transplantation, we show here that EGF receptor signalling plays an instructive role in CNS patterning and exerts differential effects on dorsoventral subpopulations of neuroblasts. The Drosophila EGF receptor (DER) is capable of cell autonomously specifiying medial and intermediate neuroblast cell fates. DER signalling appears to be most critical for prope…