Consensus statement of the European Group on Graves' orbitopathy (EUGOGO) on management of GO.
Summary of consensus a. All patients with GO should (Fig. 1):Be referred to specialist centers;Be encouraged to quit smoking;Receive prompt treatment in order to restore andmaintain euthyroidism.b. Patients with sight-threatening GO should be treatedwith i.v. GCs as the first-line treatment; if the responseis poor after 1–2 weeks, they should be submitted tourgent surgical decompression.c. The treatment of choice for moderate-to-severe GO isi.v. GCs (with or without OR) if the orbitopathy isactive;surgery(orbitaldecompression,squintsurgery,and/or eyelid surgery in this order) should beconsidered if the orbitopathy is inactive.d. In patients with mild GO, local measures and anexpectant strate…