Matthias Rudolph Richter

Study of very forward energy and its correlation with particle production at midrapidity in pp and p-Pb collisions at the LHC

Journal of high energy physics 08(8), 86 (2022). doi:10.1007/JHEP08(2022)086

research product

Unveiling the strong interaction among hadrons at the LHC

One of the key challenges for nuclear physics today is to understand from first principles the effective interaction between hadrons with different quark content. First successes have been achieved using techniques that solve the dynamics of quarks and gluons on discrete space-time lattices1,2. Experimentally, the dynamics of the strong interaction have been studied by scattering hadrons off each other. Such scattering experiments are difficult or impossible for unstable hadrons3–6 and so high-quality measurements exist only for hadrons containing up and down quarks7. Here we demonstrate that measuring correlations in the momentum space between hadron pairs8–12 produced in ultrarelativistic…

research product

First study of the two-body scattering involving charm hadrons

Physical review / D 106(5), 052010 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.106.052010

research product

Investigations of Anisotropic Flow Using Multiparticle Azimuthal Correlations in pp, p-Pb, Xe-Xe, and Pb-Pb Collisions at the LHC

Measurements of anisotropic flow coefficients ($v_n$) and their cross-correlations using two- and multi-particle cumulant methods are reported in collisions of pp at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV, p-Pb at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 5.02$ TeV, Xe-Xe at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 5.44$ TeV, and Pb-Pb at $\sqrt{s_{_{\rm NN}}} = 5.02$ TeV recorded with the ALICE detector. The multiplicity dependence of $v_n$ is studied in a very wide range from 20 to 3000 particles produced in the mid-rapidity region $|��|<0.8$ for the transverse momentum range $0.2 < p_{\rm T} < 3.0$ GeV/$c$. An ordering of the coefficients $v_2 > v_3 > v_4$ is found in pp and p-Pb collisions, similar to that seen in large coll…

research product

Charm-quark fragmentation fractions and production cross section at midrapidity in pp collisions at the LHC

Physical review / D 105(1), L011103 (2022). doi:10.1103/PhysRevD.105.L011103

research product

Calibration of the photon spectrometer PHOS of the ALICE experiment

Journal of Instrumentation 14(05), P05025 - P05025 (2019). doi:10.1088/1748-0221/14/05/P05025

research product

Characterizing the initial conditions of heavy-ion collisions at the LHC with mean transverse momentum and anisotropic flow correlations

Physics letters / B 834, 137393 (2022). doi:10.1016/j.physletb.2022.137393

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