Alfonso S. Frenda
Yield And Competitive Ability Against Weeds Of Mixtures Between Old And Modern Wheat Varieties
Durum wheat is the keystone of the agro-ecosystems in the arable land of the Mediterranean environments and an important part of its area falls within organic farms. For this crop competition exerted by weeds for the use of resources (natural and auxiliary) can determine drastic yield and quality reductions (Ruisi et al., 2015). In organic farming such critical issue is often addressed through a remodelling of several techniques such as soil tillage management, sowing time, plant density and genotype choice. With regard to the latter, there is a growing interest by organic farmers towards the old varieties as they, compared to the modern varieties, have a definitely greater competitive weed…
Transcriptome changes induced by Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis in leaves of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) promote higher salt tolerance
AbstractThe salinity of soil is a relevant environmental problem around the world, with climate change raising its relevance, particularly in arid and semiarid areas. Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi (AMF) positively affect plant growth and health by mitigating biotic and abiotic stresses, including salt stress. The mechanisms through which these benefits manifest are, however, still unclear. This work aimed to identify key genes involved in the response to salt stress induced by AMF using RNA-Seq analysis on durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum Desf. Husn.). Five hundred sixty-three differentially expressed genes (DEGs), many of which involved in pathways related to plant stress resp…
Polyester microplastic fibers affect soil physical properties and erosion as a function of soil type
Microplastics are recognized as a factor of global change contaminating many environmental compartments. Agricultural soils are very likely to receive microplastic contamination and are of particular concern due to their role in food production. Microplastic fibers have already been shown to be able to affect soil properties, but their effect on different soil types is poorly understood. Moreover, limited information is available on how the presence of this pollutant can affect soil water erosion processes, which are extremely important issues in many environments. In the light of this, we performed two experiments (carried out on a microscale) to investigate how the presence of polyester m…
Nitrogen Transfer Is Enhanced By AMF Fungi In A Faba Bean/Wheat Intercropping
Intercropping is an agricultural practice that can offer several benefits allowing a better native resources use efficiency and, consequently, a restraint of the auxiliary inputs and often a greater production compared to the monocultures (Brooker et al. 2015). Several authors observed that, in a legume/non-legume mixture, one of the benefits could be the N transfer (up to 80 % of the non-legume N demand; Thilakarathna et al. 2016). The transfer may occur via different pathways: legume rhizodeposition, plant tissue decomposition and direct transfer through arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) (Bedoussac et al. 2015). The latter, can simultaneously establish symbiotic relationship with differe…
Early Sowing Allows To Reduce Weed Pressure In No-Till Organic Durum Wheat Production
In organic farming, the adoption of the conventional tillage (CT) technique is considered by many farmers to be necessary to control weeds. Such tillage system, in fact, permits to bury weed seeds deep in the soil by means of soil inversion with moldboard plowing and to eliminate the weed plants that gradually emerge by means of the secondary tillage operations. However, it is also true that intensive tillage progressively reduces the soil organic matter content and the stability of soil aggregates, thus increasing the risk of soil erosion (Six et al. 2000). This is in contrast with one of the basic principles of organic agriculture, which is the conservation of soil fertility. Alternativel…
Nitrogen Type and Availability Drive Mycorrhizal Effects on Wheat Performance, Nitrogen Uptake and Recovery, and Production Sustainability
Plant performance is strongly dependent on nitrogen (N), and thus increasing N nutrition is of great relevance for the productivity of agroecosystems. The effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi on plant N acquisition are debated because contradictory results have been reported. Using 15N-labeled fertilizers as a tracer, we evaluated the effects of AM fungi on N uptake and recovery from mineral or organic sources in durum wheat. Under sufficient N availability, AM fungi had no effects on plant biomass but increased N concentrations in plant tissue, plant N uptake, and total N recovered from the fertilizer. In N-deficient soil, AM fungi led to decreased aboveground biomass, which sugges…