F. Giannone

Postmodernity, insecurity and job loss Focus on the unemployed's suffering

International audience; Objectives Recent research shows clear correlations between the subjective perception of job's insecurity and physical, mental and relational health. This article highlights the difficulties of workers , and particularly the impact of uncertainty and job loss on their self-esteem and psycho-physical well-being. The work presents and contextualizes the perception of job insecurity as an effect of postmodern society.Methods The research involved 60 subjects that have lost the jobs and received a 3 month intervention of active policies organized in groups focusing on empowerment and employability. At two times before and after group participants filled in Rosenberg Self…

research product

Postmodernity: clinical and social reflections about new forms of psychopathology

International audience; This article proposes a reflection on the impact that some postmodern features can have on the sense of identity and on mental functioning to propose possible explanations for identity changes and new forms of psychopathology. After revisiting the most recent literature on the theme, this study proposes a clinical consideration for a possible link between new forms of psychopathology and mental suffering. It particularly suggests that the changes observed in affectivity (including increase in dysphoria, irritability, restlessness, boredom, feeling of emptiness) and behaviour (reduction in impulse control ability, in interpersonal skills and reflective function, etc.)…

research product

Il gruppo psicoterapeutico per adolescenti con DCA

Negli ultimi anni la ricerca e la clinica nell’ambito della psicoterapia dell’adolescenza hanno mostrato l’efficacia del dispositivo gruppale quale contesto di cura capace di sostenere le problematiche legate ad un difficile processo di individuazione e al superamento dei compiti evolutivi. Il lavoro che presentiamo riguarda la realizzazione di un gruppo gruppo-analitico a tempo determinato per adolescenti (pazienti con DCA). Obiettivo del nostro studio è mettere in evidenza, attraverso l’esemplificazione fornita dall’esperienza clinica, le specificità che caratterizzano il setting gruppale quando esso si rivolge a questa popolazione. Il gruppo è per l’adolescente un luogo familiare nel qua…

research product

The assessment of psychotherapy for quality of life in territorial contexts

research product

The group supervision: From institutional analysis to clinical discussion

Group Supervision: topics, process and outcome Di Falco G., Ferraro A M., Pruiti Ciarello F , Giunta S., Giannone F., Di Blasi M., Lo Verso G. Clinical supervision has been defined as a 'dynamic, interpersonally-focused experience which promotes the development of therapeutic efficiency (...) consequently supervision must be acknowledged as a cornerstone of clinical practice' (Community Psychiatric Nurses Association, 1989). The study analyzes topics, process and outcome of a Leader-Led Peer Group Supervision, inside a TC for psychiatric patients. The research project aims to recognize the main topics of group supervision, in order to analyze its process. The main hypothesis is that supervi…

research product

Group climate, cohesion, and curative climate: A study on the common factors in the group process and their relation with members' attachment dimensions

This study examined the relationships among the group process measured by the Group Climate Questionnaire, the Cohesion to the Therapist Scale and Cohesion to the Group Scale, and the Curative Climate Instrument to explore higher order factors that explained the group relationship in a sample of 91 female university students attending six interpersonal growth groups. Furthermore, the study examined how group members' attachment dimensions, anxiety, and avoidance were associated to their perceptions of the group relationship. We found that a three-factor model consisting of positive bond, positive work, and negative relationship approached conventional standards of a model fit. Moreover, the…

research product

Ripensare l’alleanza terapeutica attraverso lo studio del processo terapeutico nella cura del panico. Due terapie ad orientamento psicodinamico.

Il Disturbo da Attacchi di Panico (DAP) è, sul piano clinico, una sindrome acuta e cronica, ad alta incidenza epidemiologica, che costituisce oggi, insieme alla fobia sociale e alla depressione, una delle tre maggiori cause d’invalidità della popolazione e, conseguentemente, una delle maggiori fonti di costi sociali, medici e psichiatrici (DSM-IV-TR, 2000). In questo articolo, assumendo il concetto di relazione come elemento caratterizzante il trattamento terapeutico, si cerca di connettere la manifestazione fenomenologica del panico alle modalità relazionali del soggetto e al loro significato. Si cerca di adottare questo “sguardo” anche in una prospettiva di ricerca, attraverso la “lente” …

research product

The “Visiting in italy” project: origins, organisation and prospects

Visiting has its theoretical roots in the research of Lewin, and began in England in the early 2000s when the Community of Communities network, led by Rex Haigh, introduced this project structured on both peer- and self-review for monitoring the quality of treatment settings (for adults, minors, prisoners, etc.) and earning accreditation and financing from the National Health Service. The Italian Visiting project, which Mito&Realtà designed, proposed and formally introduced in 2010, has the aim of encouraging communities to get to know each other through a process of assessing therapeutic and structural factors for the purpose of better identifying TCs’ weaknesses and strengths and encourag…

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