Paula Mäkelä
Viipurin 1600-luvun jälkipuoliskon profaani esinekulttuuri
Kirkonrakentajasuku Rijf. Pohjalaisen kirkonrakentajasuvun rakennus- ja suunnittelutuotanto sekä toiminta kustavilaisen aikakauden Suomessa
This dissertation deals with the building and design work of the church builder family Rijf in Österbotten during the Gustavian Period. The Rijfs were Finland- Swedes and entailed four mason-based master builders: Thomas Rijf (1726-1803), his sons Jacob (1753-1808) and Carl (1756-1801), and Jacob´s son Carl Jacobsson Rijf (1783-1808). The most famous member of the family was Jacob Rijf. He was the first Finnish master builder to study at the Royal Swedish Academy of Arts and was supervised by the leading architects of the Board of Public Works and Buildings, Carl Fredrik Adelcrantz (1716-1796) and Olof Tempelman (1745-1816). In 1794 Jacob Rijf was appointed as the provincial master builder …