Challenges and Opportunities for Renewable-Based Microgrids Integration in Vietnam
Vietnam is among the South-Asian regions the one that better supplies remote areas. However, many islands and remote areas are still not connected to the main grid and this fact jeopardizes their development, while forcing people to move to urban areas. With a high potential from renewable energy sources and a lot of islands, Vietnam has thus many favorable environmental features for developing the microgrids technology. In this chapter, a detailed analysis about opportunities and challenges for widespread deployment of microgrids technology in Vietnam is considered. Such analysis is based on the assessments of the potential from renewable energy sources in the country and of the national p…
Data Compensation with Gaussian Processes Regression: Application in Smart Building's Sensor Network
Data play an essential role in the optimal control of smart buildings’ operation, especially in building energy-management for the target of nearly zero buildings. The building monitoring system is in charge of collecting and managing building data. However, device imperfections and failures of the monitoring system are likely to produce low-quality data, such as data loss and inconsistent data, which then seriously affect the control quality of the buildings. This paper proposes a new approach based on Gaussian process regression for data-quality monitoring and sensor network data compensation in smart buildings. The proposed method is proven to effectively detect and compensate for low-qu…
Critical Assessment of Feed-In Tariffs and Solar Photovoltaic Development in Vietnam
Vietnam became the world’s third largest market for solar photovoltaic energy in 2020. Especially after the Vietnamese government issued feed-in tariffs for grid-connected solar photovoltaic systems, the installed capacity of solar photovoltaic applications exploded in 2019. From studies carried out in the relevant literature, it can be said that support policies are highly important for the initial development of the renewable energy industry in most countries. This is especially true in emerging countries such as Vietnam. This paper reviews the feed-in tariffs issued and deployed in different regions of Vietnam for grid-connected solar photovoltaic applications. Moreover, the paper takes …
Critical Assessments of the Potential for Integrating Renewable Energy into Isolated Grids on Vietnamese Islands: The Case of the An-Binh Grid
Renewable electricity for off-grid areas is widely seen as one of the top choices in supporting local economic development in most countries, and so is Vietnam. Over the years, many isolated networks using renewable energy sources have been deployed for off-grid areas in Vietnam. However, the use of these energy sources in Vietnam’s isolated networks is still facing many challenges due to its infancy here. The issues of reliability and vulnerability of these networks are not given the expected attention. Another challenge is that the issues of the operational security of these systems could also be negatively affected by the variable nature of renewable sources, including static and dynamic…