B Meyer
Umgang mit Sprachbarrieren im ärztlichen Alltag – Interaktives Seminar zur Überwindung sprachlicher Barrieren im Arzt-Patientenkontakt
SU-FF-T-180: Dosimetric Characteristics of Tm-170 as a Radionuclide for Its Possible Use in Brachytherapy
In clinical brachytherapy several types of photon sources are used, mainly Cs‐137, Ir‐192, I‐125, and Pd‐103. The Tm‐170 is a promising radionuclide for use in brachytherapy because of the low mean‐energy (46.75 keV or 66.39 keV if the lines below 10 keV are removed) and the possible high specific activity (2.21×1014 Bq/g for a half life of 128.6 days). Tm‐170 is produced in a nuclear reactor by neutron absorption of the natural Tm‐169 and decays mainly via β‐emission. The maximum energies of the β‐rays are 0.290 and 0.323 MeV. These β particles are thus absorbed in the source core and in the encapsulation cover producing bremsstrahlung that contributes significantly to the dose. These fact…