F. A. Horster
Die Wirkung von Oxytocin auf die renale Ausscheidung und auf die Ausbildung eines Stauungs�dems bei der Ratte
1. An experimental congestion edema was produced in rats by tying of both jugular veins. During 22 hours after the operation the animals were loaded three times with 5 ml./100 g body weight 0,9% saline per os. Each animal received 1000 mU/kg. Syntocinon s.c. one half hour before each fluid loading.
Die Ausbildung verschieden starker Stauungs�deme bei der Ratte und ihre Beseitigung durch Chlorothiazid
1. After tying of the jugular veins a congestion edema of differing intensity was produced by oral loading of rats with varying amounts of saline. 2. Chlorothiazid (10 or 50 mg./kg. i.v.) given 24 hours after tying of the jugular veins increased the diuresis and sodium excretion to approximately the same values in edematous and normal animals. 3. The effect of chlorothiazid on renal excretion is not influenced by the severity of the edema and is not quantitatively related to reduction of edema.
Die diuretische Wirkung von Oxytocin beim Hund
The influence of a synthetic oxytocin preparation and of prednisolone hemisuccinate on the renal excretions of water, sodium, potassium and chloride and on the clearance of endogenous true creatinine was studied in 18 dogs anesthetized with hexobarbital and barbital. The animals were deprived of food and water for 12 hours before the experiments.
Die Beeinflussung eines experimentellen Stauungs�dems der Ratte durch Oxytocin
1. Bei Ratten beiderlei Geschlechtes wurden die Jugularvenen unterbunden und in 22 Std 3mal 5 ml/100 g KG physiologische Kochsalzlosung oral zugefuhrt. Die Wasser- und Natriumausscheidung dieser Tiere war um etwa 50% eingeschrankt; es entwickelte sich ein Stauungsodem besonders im Bereich des Kopfes und der Vorderpfoten.
Der Einflu� einer ven�sen Stauung im Kopfbereich auf die Wasser- und Elektrolytausscheidung von Ratten
1. Salt and water retention can be produced in rats by compression in the neck region or by ligature of the jugular veins.
Die Beeinflussung eines experimentellen Stauungs�dems der Ratte durch Chlorothiazid, Hydrocortison, Dexamethason, DOCA und Vasopressin
Experiments on rats were made to determine which drugs were capable of preventing the formation of an experimental obstruction edema.