Jean François Berar
Cation Distribution in Ferrites with Spinel Structure Measured by Anomalous Powder Diffraction
Contribution of Ferroelectric Domains on Diffraction Line Profiles of BaTiO<sub>3</sub>
X-Ray diffraction diagram evolution of a BaTiO3ceramic under an electric field
Abstract The X-ray diffraction diagrams of a coarse grained pure BaTiO3 ceramic have been recorded as a function of the applied electric D.C. field. This field was perpendicular to the X-ray incoming surface. The experimental device used allows to record diffraction diagrams while the electric field step by step increases. The intensity ratio of the 002 line over the 200 line increases with the applied electric field. The evolution of the X-ray diffraction line intensities is in correlation with the first polarization curve of the ferroelectric ceramic. These results evidence a contribution of the 90° ferroelectric domains pattern to the X-ray diffraction diagram of BaTiO3.