A. Herrmann
Single molecule spectroscopy of multichromophoric assemblies
We have investigated multichromophoric assemblies composed of a variable number of chromophores by single molecule spectroscopy. Specific spectral signatures have allowed to distinguish at the single molecule level between molecular dimers representing strong and weak electronic dipole-dipole coupling. By using fluorescence excitation spectroscopy at low temperature, the sharp purely electronic zero-phonon lines of single chromophores within a single dendrimer containing four chromophores could be isolated in the frequency domain.
An Integrative Approach for Product Development and Customer Satisfaction Measurement
As soon as the automotive industry in the western world countries recognizes that the outstanding performance of Japanese manufacturers is the result of a customer-oriented understanding of quality, the QFD approach became a famous instrument to achieve the product quality demanded by customers. Nevertheless this concept has its limits. In this article we suggest the extension of the QFD approach on the base of customer values and benefits.