Revisiting the axial form factor of the nucleon for low Q2 pion electroproduction
Abstract An extensive programme of charged pion electroproduction off the proton has been performed at the three-spectrometer facility at the Mainz Microton MAMI. The reaction p ( e , e ′ π + ) n was measured at a constant invariant mass of W = 1125 MeV and four-momentum transfers of Q 2 = 0.058, 0.117, 0.195, and 0.273 (GeV/ c ) 2 . For each Q 2 value. measurements at different values of ϵ, the virtual photon polarization parameters, allow for a Rosenbluth separation of longitudinal and transverse cross sections. Preliminary results from new measurements in 2000 and 2002 seem to indicate that the transverse cross section at lower Q 2 values is considerably lower than expected from previous…