Simon Spannagel
A detector for CLIC: main parameters and performance
Together with the recent CLIC detector model CLICdet a new software suite was introduced for the simulation and reconstruction of events in this detector. This note gives a brief introduction to CLICdet and describes the CLIC experimental conditions at 380 GeV and 3 TeV, including beam-induced backgrounds. The simulation and reconstruction tools are introduced, and the physics performance obtained is described in terms of single particles, particles in jets, jet energy resolution and flavour tagging. The performance of the very forward electromagnetic calorimeters is also discussed.
Observation of the rare B(s)(0) + decay from the combined analysis of CMS and LHCb data.
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported licence.-- et al.
EUDAQ $-$ A Data Acquisition Software Framework for Common Beam Telescopes
EUDAQ is a generic data acquisition software developed for use in conjunction with common beam telescopes at charged particle beam lines. Providing high-precision reference tracks for performance studies of new sensors, beam telescopes are essential for the research and development towards future detectors for high-energy physics. As beam time is a highly limited resource, EUDAQ has been designed with reliability and ease-of-use in mind. It enables flexible integration of different independent devices under test via their specific data acquisition systems into a top-level framework. EUDAQ controls all components globally, handles the data flow centrally and synchronises and records the data…
A detector for CLIC: main parameters and performance
Together with the recent CLIC detector model CLICdet a new software suite was introduced for the simulation and reconstruction of events in this detector. This note gives a brief introduction to CLICdet and describes the CLIC experimental conditions at 380 GeV and 3 TeV, including beam-induced backgrounds. The simulation and reconstruction tools are introduced, and the physics performance obtained is described in terms of single particles, particles in jets, jet energy resolution and flavour tagging. The performance of the very forward electromagnetic calorimeters is also discussed.