Helmuth Spieler
SiPMs coated with TPB: coating protocol and characterization for NEXT
[EN] Silicon photomultipliers (SiPM) are the photon detectors chosen for the tracking readout in NEXT, a neutrinoless \bb decay experiment which uses a high pressure gaseous xenon time projection chamber (TPC). The reconstruction of event track and topology in this gaseous detector is a key handle for background rejection. Among the commercially available sensors that can be used for tracking, SiPMs offer important advantages, mainly high gain, ruggedness, cost-effectiveness and radio-purity. Their main drawback, however, is their non sensitivity in the emission spectrum of the xenon scintillation (peak at 175 nm). This is overcome by coating these sensors with the organic wavelength shifte…
Performance of the ATLAS silicon strip detector modules
Abstract The performance of the silicon strip detector prototypes developed for use in ATLAS at the LHC is reported. Baseline detector assemblies (“modules”) of 12 cm length were read out with binary electronics at 40 MHz clock speed. For both irradiated and unirradiated modules, the tracking efficiency, noise occupancy, and position resolution were measured as a function of bias voltage, binary hit threshold, and detector rotation angle in a 1.56 T magnetic field. Measurements were also performed at a particle flux comparable to the one expected at the LHC.
Beam test of the ATLAS silicon detector modules
Abstract Results are reported from a beam test of prototype silicon microstrip detectors and front-end electronics developed for use in the LHC detector ATLAS. The detector assemblies (“modules”) were 12 cm long and were read out with binary electronics. Both irradiated and unirradiated modules were measured in a 1.56 T magnetic field for efficiency, noise occupancy, and position resolution as a function of bias voltage, binary hit threshold, and detector rotation angle with respect to the beam direction.