Pharmacological characterisation of a new model of antigen-induced pulmonary late-phase reaction in the conscious guinea pig which uses additional polymyxin B inhalation
The aim of the present study was to develop a new model of allergic late-phase reaction in the airways of conscious guinea pigs (GPs) and to characterise it by pharmacological intervention. GPs were pretreated with cyclophosphamide and sensitized with ovalbumin (OA) in Al(OH)3. Weekly inhalations of polymyxin B were performed before and during sensitization and continued throughout the study period. Under cover of 10 mg/kg i.p. mepyramine all GPs still exhibited a pronounced immediate reaction (IR), peaking during the first 15 min after OA. Nine out of 15 GPs demonstrated, during screening, a reproducible (twice) second phase (late phase reaction (LPR)] of decreased airflow and tidal volume…