N. Börner

Mediastinal lymph node staging with transesophageal echography in cancer of the lung.

Transesophageal echography (TEE) was used prospectively to study mediastinal lymph node enlargement in 23 patients with cancer of the lung. The findings were validated blindly by comparison with computed tomography (CT, n = 23) and pathological N classification after curative surgery (n = 9). Lymph nodes larger than 1 cm were defined as pathologically enlarged. In the upper mediastinum, 22% (8 vs 36), in the lower mediastinum including the subaortic region 112% (37 vs 33) and in the hilar region 67% (6 vs 9) of enlarged lymph nodes diagnosed by CT were detected by TEE. A pathological study in 9 patients demonstrated true positive findings in 2 vs 1, true negatives in 4 vs 5, false positives…

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SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study

Abstract Background Preoperative SARS-CoV-2 vaccination could support safer elective surgery. Vaccine numbers are limited so this study aimed to inform their prioritization by modelling. Methods The primary outcome was the number needed to vaccinate (NNV) to prevent one COVID-19-related death in 1 year. NNVs were based on postoperative SARS-CoV-2 rates and mortality in an international cohort study (surgical patients), and community SARS-CoV-2 incidence and case fatality data (general population). NNV estimates were stratified by age (18–49, 50–69, 70 or more years) and type of surgery. Best- and worst-case scenarios were used to describe uncertainty. Results NNVs were more favourable in su…

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Die sonographische Gallenblasenwandverdickung und ihre diagnostische Bedeutung bei intensivpflichtigen Patienten

In a prospective study including 398 intensive-care patients, we analysed the ultrasonographic relevance of a gallbladder wall thickening. In 24 of 398 (6%) cases a wall thickening was found that could be differentiated into two types of walls. In 20.8% (5/24) the gallbladder wall thickening was an expression of an acute cholecystitis. In further differential diagnosis of a gallbladder wall thickening pathological states with hypoalbuminaemia occupy the prime position. The pathological mechanism has not yet been completely clarified. Hypoalbuminaemia without inflammatory alterations of the organ was found in 37.5% of the cases with gallbladder wall thickening. In 41.6% of the patients the w…

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Leber-CT mit portal-venöser Kontrastmittelgabe

Contrast administration through the superior mesenteric or splenic arteries provided additional information in 22 out of 31 patients, when compared with intravenous contrast bolus for CT of the liver. In 11 patients, the demonstration of a tumour lead to a change in treatment. False positive findings occurred in four of the 31 patients. In 2 patients intrahepatic lesions were overlooked, but were found during angiography carried out at the same examination. The diagnosis of intrahepatic space-occupying lesions is discussed as well as the CT appearances of portal-venous liver perfusion.

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Fokal-noduläre Hyperplasie der Leber bei 930 Patienten

Analysis of 930 patients with focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver (FNH), including 23 seen by the authors, showed the following results: 82.2% of patients were female, 37.8% of these had taken female steroidal hormones. There was no preference for a particular lobe of the liver. 57.7% of FNH were subcapsular, 33.7% were intrahepatic and 8.8% were pedunculated. Average size was 5.9 cm, 80.8% of the patients were asymptomatic. In 93.5% (115 out of 123) a space-occupying lesion in the liver could be demonstrated by sonography. In 13%, second or multiple tumours were missed by sonography. CT without enhancement demonstrated FNH in 90.4% (94 out of 104 patients). A rapid, marked increase in d…

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Diagnostik von Pleuraergüssen bei intensivpflichtigen Patienten: Sonographie und Radiologie im Vergleich

Die Sonographie hat als unbelastende und leicht durchzufuhrende Untersuchungsmethode ihren festen Platz auch auf der Intensivstation. Hier konnen u. a. Pleuraergusse beim liegenden Patienten mit hoher Sensitivitat nachgewiesen werden [1–5] und zusatzlich, wie wir zeigen konnten, sicher volumetriert werden [2].

research product

Early outcomes and complications following cardiac surgery in patients testing positive for coronavirus disease 2019: An international cohort study

The outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndromecoronavirus-2, the cause of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in December 2019 represented a global emergency accounting for more than 2.5 million deaths worldwide.1 It has had an unprecedented influence on cardiac surgery internationally, resulting in cautious delivery of surgery and restructuring of services.2 Understanding the influence of COVID-19 on patients after cardiac surgery is based on assumptions from other surgical specialties and single-center studies. The COVIDSurg Collaborative conducted a multicenter cohort study, including 1128 patients, across 235 hospitals, from 24 countries demonstrating perioperative COVID-19 infection…

research product

Pyostomatitis vegetans und Morbus Crohn: Eine spezifische Assoziation zweier Krankheiten

HISTORY AND CLINICAL FINDINGS A 27-year-old man was referred to the dermatological out-patient clinic because of inflammatory changes in the oral mucosa of unknown cause. 5 months earlier he had been diagnosed as having Crohn's disease of the terminal ileum. On both sides of the buccal mucosa there were rough erythematous vegetations and disseminated miliary abscesses, which extended to the labial gingiva and the soft palate. Further physical examination was unremarkable. INVESTIGATIONS Several inflammatory parameters were increased: C-reactive protein 100 mg/l, erythrocyte sedimentation rate 55/88 mm, eosinophilic cationic protein 35.8 ng/ml (normal range 2.3-16 ng/ml). White cell count wa…

research product

Ergebnisse und Komplikationen von 616 perkutanen transhepatischen Gallenwegsdrainagen

During nine years, percutaneous transhepatic biliary drainage was carried out 616 times on 563 patients in the Department of Radiology, University of Mainz Medical School. 50.3% were pre-operative and 39% were palliative. More than 80% were necessitated by malignant lesions. Subsequent improvements in biochemical measurements were observed in 82.4% of patients. Complications of the procedure led to the death of five patients (0.8%) and required surgery in nine patients (1.5%). The following complications were observed: biliary peritonitis in 0.6%, sepsis in 1.9%, bleeding in 1.9% and fever higher than 38 degrees C in 16.2%.

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Intermittierende Fieberschübe Lyme-Erkrankung ohne Erythema chronicum migrans

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Farbcodierte Dopplersonographie (FD-Sonographie) primärer und sekundärer Lebertumoren

50 Patients with 78 focal liver lesions were examined via colour-coded Doppler system to study the vascularity of metastatic lesions and primary benign and malignant liver tumours. According to the amount of detectable colour Doppler signals, tumour vascularity was graded into 4 types. Metastases (n = 40) and cavernous haemangiomas (n = 12) seemed to be avascular with no evidence of increased vascularity (Type I/II). Conversely primary liver cancer (PLCA) (n = 7) and focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) (n = 16) mainly produced arterial Doppler signals within the tumour (Type III/IV). AV shunts and partial portal vein thrombosis could be demonstrated in PLCA. Doppler colour flow imaging for dete…

research product

Diagnostik von Pleuraergüssen und Atelektasen: Sonographie und Radiologie im Vergleich

In a prospective study it was shown that chest ultrasonography is superior to conventional x-ray diagnosis of recumbent patients in diagnosing pleural effusion and lung atelectasis. In 110 supine radiographs we found a sensitivity of 47% and a specificity of 71% for right pleural effusions and a sensitivity of 55% and a specificity of 93% for left pleural effusions in comparison to 110 sonographic examinations. The results of supine radiographs in detection of atelectasis were less efficient: sensitivity for the right side: 7%; sensitivity for the left side: 13.5%. Hence, the knowledge of chest ultrasonographic diagnosis can improve the interpretation of supine radiographs.

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