Breast cancer screening programmes: Challenging the coexistence with opportunistic mammography.
Abstract Objective This study investigated predictive factors of women's participation in organized mammography screening (OrgMS) and/or opportunistic mammography screening (OppMS) when the two screening modes coexist. Methods Questionnaires were sent to 6,000 women aged 51–74 years old invited to attend an OrgMS session between 2010 and 2011 in France. Data collected concerned the women's healthcare behaviour and their socioeconomic characteristics. Women without a personal or family history of breast cancer that could explain their participation in OppMS were retained in the generalized logits analysis. Results The data of 1,202 women were analysed. Of these, 555 (46.2%) had attended OrgM…
Dépistage du cancer du sein dans treize départements français
Resume Objectif L’objectif de ce travail etait de decrire la participation au depistage organise (DO) et la demarche de detection par mammographie individuelle (MI) en 2010–2011 dans 13 departements francais. Methodes L’analyse a porte sur les donnees de 622 382 femmes âgees de 51 a 74 ans invitees au DO du cancer du sein en 2010–2011. Le type de mammographie realisee a ete etudie selon l’âge, le regime d’Assurance maladie, la ruralite et le niveau socio-economique du lieu de residence. L’analyse a egalement permis de cartographier et d’analyser les zones etudiees en fonction de la defavorisation socio-economique et de la participation au depistage. Resultats Une mammographie de DO ou indiv…