Edgars Salna

Cloud Based Cross-system Integration for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

The usage of information technology (IT) is one of the major factors for ensuring the growth and competitiveness of enterprises, as well as it also benefits the effective knowledge management within the organisation.There are large-scale knowledge management systems (KMS) covering the full functionality for facilitating the effectiveness and productivity of employees. These systems are frequently integrated into other organisation's management systems. But the most of the small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) cannot afford to use these KMS, and also the full functionality of these KMS is not necessary for them. Thus, the solution is to combine the parts of cloud based knowledge manageme…

research product

HL7 standartā definēto biznesa procesu savietojamība ar Latvijas veselības aprūpes biznesa procesiem

Darbā tiek apskatīta Latvijas veselības aprūpes sistēma, tās trūkumi, kā arī tiek izskatītas šīs sistēmas uzlabošanas iespējas. Tiek veikta Latvijas veselības aprūpes procesu analīze, pievēršot uzmanību datu apmaiņai starp iesaistītajiem procesa dalībniekiem. Darbā apskatīti divi veselības aprūpes procesi: ambulatorās ārstniecības process un stacionārās ārstniecības process. Tiek veikta HL7 standarta iespēju analīze un sasaiste ar izvēlētajiem Latvijas veselības aprūpes procesiem. Rezultātā ir identificēti trīs standarta iespējamie izmantošanas veidi: medicīnisko dokumentu formalizācija, izmantojot HL7 CDA modeli, HL7 transporta mehānisma piemērošana Latvijas veselības aprūpes procesiem un …

research product

Meta model of e-learning materials development

The multitude of software tools is available for the creation of learning resources. However the majority of these tools provided by different software producers do not have a unified mechanism by means of which it would be possible to search and reuse the existing learning resources or their elements. To solve this problem the structures of descriptive data can be used. The aim of this paper is to describe a meta-model of e-learning objects and e-learning formats that could be used in the creation of e-learning materials compatible with various e-learning standards. The meta-data models that are used in widely-known learning resources’ repositories and their structure’s metadata standa…

research product

The Model for Balancing Learning Workload

Abstract It is advised and accepted that teachers carefully plan their lessons thus it is also crucial that there should be guidelines and recommendations on how students should plan their time to study and how much time is necessary to perform certain learning activities. This time management should be taken into account when planning students’ workload and for balancing it. During the research mental representations and approaches were reviewed and their role in the reasoning, as well as within the context of discerning the meaning and similarity. Examples are given for types of statistics and summaries that can help in evaluating the effectiveness and appropriateness of learning material…

research product

Achievement of treatment targets predicts progression of vascular complications in type 1 diabetes.

Abstract Background and aim To study the association between achievement of guideline-defined treatment targets on HbA1c, low-density lipoproteins (LDL-C), and blood pressure with the progression of diabetic complications in patients with type 1 diabetes (T1D). Methods The study included 355 patients at baseline and 114 patients with follow-up data after 3–5 years. Outcome variables were the progression of diabetic kidney disease, retinopathy, or cardiovascular disease (CVD). We used logistic regression and other machine learning algorithms (MLA) to model the association of achievement of treatment targets and probability of progression of complications. Results Achievement of the target bl…

research product