M Liotta
Development of an active alkaline trap to determine acidic gas ratios in volcanic plumes: sampling technique and analytical methods
New insight into halogen release from experimental studies on BrO/Br ratios in volcanic plumes
Seawater Trace Metals in acidified condition: an accumulation study in the blue mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis off Vulcano Island submarine vents (Italy)
Environmental impact of volcanic emissions at Nyiragongo (DRC)
The large amount of trace elements emitted from volcanoes has a strong impact on the close surrounding areas. Nyiragongo Volcano (Democratic Republic of Congo) belongs to the Virunga volcanic chain and is one of the most active volcanoes in Africa. It is characterized by the presence of an active and permanent lava lake with a persistent degassing activity. During a field trip in October-November 2014, we investigated the impact of the volcanogenic deposition in the surrounding of the crater by using different sampling techniques. Rain-gauges were used to collect atmospheric bulk deposition. Active and passive biomonitoring techniques (moss-bags and leaves of endemic plants – Senecio spp. a…
Plume composition and volatile flux from Nyamulagira volcano
Nyamulagira, in the Virunga volcanic province (VVP), Democratic Republic of Congo, is one of the most active volcanoes in Africa. The volcano is located about 25 km north-northwest of Lake Kivu in the Western Branch of the East African Rift System (EARS). The activity is characterized by frequent eruptions (on average, one eruption every 2–4 years) which occur both from the summit crater and from the flanks (31 flank eruptions over the last 110 years). Due to the peculiar low viscosity of its lava and its location in the floor of the rift, Nyamulagira morphology is characterized by a wide lava field that covers over 1100 km2 and contains more than 100 flank cones. Indeed, Nyamulagira is a S…
Sulphur behaviour in Etnean magmatic system (Italy
Sulfur is an essential volatile component of basaltic magmas and it is mostly dissolved as S6+ and/or S2- depending on the redox conditions. Mt. Etna continuously discharges enormous quantity of SO2 (~3563 t/d [1]). However these high flows are not fully understood in terms of S origin (magmatic or crustal) and of its behavior during magmatic evolution (fractional crystallization, magma mixing, vapor/melt fractionation [2]). Our research combines the study of sulfur in natural olivine hosted melt inclusions with an experimental study on S solubility in hydrous alkali basalts at magmatic conditions. We report new data of S in melt inclusions, belonging to six of the most characteristic Etnea…
Intercomparison of gas emissions from the lava lakes of Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira, DR Congo
From 25th of October to 5th of November 2014 field surveys were carried out at Nyiragongo and Nyamulagira volcanoes, DR Congo. These two volcanoes belong to the eight volcanoes in the Virunga volcanic chain. They have an altitude of about 3470 m.a.s.l. and 3060 m.a.s.l., respectively. The craters of the two volcanoes lie within a distance of less than 15 km and both have a diameter of about 1000 m and 2000 m, respectively showing a similar inner geometry containing several terraces inside. The lava lake of Nyamulagira is still under formation while Nyiragongo’s lava lake is known since more than 100 years with short interruptions after the eruptions in 1977 and 2002. However, also Nyamulagi…
Towards a Semantic Information Encoding and Retrieval in Relational Database
Simulation based planning and mobile devices in cultural heritage robotics
Fumarolic alteration products at Sousaki (Greece) : occurrence and environmental impact
Fumarolic alteration crusts and efflorescences have been sampled at the Sousaki solfataric field. Samples have been analysed for mineralogical (XRD) and chemical composition (HNO3 digestion and leaching with distilled water). Results show that mineralogical and chemical compositions (major, minor and trace metals) are controlled by microenvironmental conditions. The sample collected in the anoxic part of a cave is composed almost exclusively by native sulfur. The samples collected in the oxidizing part of the cave and outside in relatively sheltered position are mainly composed by very soluble sulfates. Chemical composition evidence strong enrichments in Al, Ca, Cr, Fe, Mg and Ni which are …
Bromine chemistry of volcanic plumes
Volcanic gas studies are an established tool for volcanic monitoring and enhance the understanding of volcanic manifestations. The central question of the project, which we will introduce here, is whether the ratio between bromine monoxide (BrO) to sulphur dioxide (SO2) can potentially serve as indicator for volcanic activity. Both species have the advantage that they can be remotely measured by Differential Optical Absorption Spectroscopy (DOAS) at safe distances from the emission source. To answer the question above, it is of great importance to link the measurements of halogen oxides to the total emission flux of individual halogen species and to understand the influences of meteorologic…
Another kind of “volcanic risk”: the acidification of sea-water. Vulcano Island (Italy) a natural laboratory for ocean acidification studies
Experimental studies on BrO/Br ratios at Stromboli, Etna, Masaya, Gorely and Nyiragongo
A Semantic Information Retrieval in a Robot Museum Guide Application
Determination and comparison of acidic gas ratios at the Stromboli Volcano and Mount Etna obtained by various active alkaline traps
Knowledge Representation in CiceRobot: a Robot for Explorations of Cultural Heritage
Plume composition changes during the birth of a new lava lake - Nyamulagira volcano, DR Congo
Nyamulagira, in the Virunga Volcanic Province (VVP), Democratic Republic of Congo, is one of the most active volcanoes in Africa. The volcano is located about 25 km north-northwest of Lake Kivu in the Western Branch of the East African Rift System (EARS) with a distance of only 15 km to Nyiragongo, which is well known for its decades-old active lava lake. Nyamulagira is a shield volcano with a 3058 m high and 2000 m wide summit caldera. The volcano is characterized by frequent eruptions, which occur both from the summit crater and from the flanks (31 flank eruptions over the last 110 years). Due to the low viscosity lava, although significantly higher than the one of Nyiragongo, wide lava f…