Fanny Alivon
Urban segregation and unemployment: A case study of the urban area of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence (France)
International audience; In this paper, we study the effects of the spatial organization of the urban area of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence on unemployment there. More specifically, differences in the characteristics of the residential population induce urban stratification with the result that urban structure may affect the probability of employment. In order to evaluate the effects of spatial structure on unemployment, we implement a spatial probit model to reveal the employment probabilities of young adults still living with their parents. Our results support the hypothesis that living in or near a deprived neighborhood decreases the probability of employment.
Politiques publiques, interactions et enjeux environnementaux
Compte rendu et analyses, Séminaire PUCA, 22 novembre 2012, Paris La Défense.
Quelles adéquations des marchés fonciers et immobiliers aux transformations socio-économiques des familles dans les territoires périurbains ?
L’évaluation des politiques éducatives compensatoires : quelles leçons à retenir ?
National audience
Ségrégation urbaine et éducation : quels enjeux pour les politiques publiques ?
Maîtrise de la croissance urbaine et régulation du foncier : outils et impacts
Compte rendu et analyses, Séminaire PUCA, 14 février 2014, Paris La Défense.
Spatial and economic segregation : an analysis in terms of employment and education in urban spaces
Cities are not homogeneous territories: some neighborhoods concentrate wealth while others face difficulties such as unemployment, poverty, exclusion or crime. These fractures are a consequence of urban segregation, i.e. socioeconomic inequalities spatial pattern. To that matter, this thesis addresses three objectives: (i) the characterization and explanation of segregated urban structures appearance, (ii) the link between segregation and labor market, and eventually (iii) the link between segregation and education. According to Urban Economics, the urban structure influences individual’s employment status through the distance to jobs. This hypothesis is tested via an empirical study on the…