Nadja Sophia Bekkelund Kuhn

Ever closer administrative institutions? Impacts of the European Union on national decision-making processes

Faced with a variety of unprecedented societal challenges such as terrorism, climate change, and pandemics, the traditional epicentre of decision-making - the nation-state - is increasingly reliant on its bureaucratic supplement, the administrative state, to ensure viable, long-term solutions. Concomitantly, as the world grows closer, so do national administrative institutions by frequently engaging in policy-making both within and across levels of government. Consequently, public policy is initiated, shaped, and implemented at the intersection of national and international levels of government. National administrations, particularly national agencies, serve as administrative bridges betwee…

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The Robustness of National Agency Governance in Integrated Administrative Systems: Evidence from a large-scale study

This article examines government agencies facing choice architectures that are multiple, overlapping, ambiguous, and sometimes incompatible—in short: turbulent. It makes two contributions: First, two conceptual images of agency governance are outlined that derive distinct predictions on how agencies are likely to maneuver when embedded in integrated multilevel administrative orders. Secondly, benefitting from a large‐N dataset on agency officials (N = 1,963) from 47 government agencies, the study suggests that government agencies are primarily biased towards a pragmatist compound dynamic. Additionally, the analysis probes the robustness of these conceptual images by entering moderator varia…

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"Not So Different After All" : Governance and Behavioral Dynamics in the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)

Author's accepted manuscript (postprint).

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Governing European Affairs : Lessons from Norwegian Ministries

The aim of this article is to examine the role of ministerial officials in an integrated European multilevel administrative order. This study argues that organizational variables at the national level constitute a decisive filtering factor regarding how decision premises emanating from European Union (EU)-level institutions are received by domestic government institutions and officials. The study contributes to the literature in two main ways: Empirically it provides a comprehensive study of the role of Norwegian ministerial officials in the EU multilevel administrative order over a time period of 20 years (n = 3562). Secondly, it applies an organization theory approach to explain variation…

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Governing European Affairs

Abstract The aim of this article is to examine the role of ministerial officials in an integrated European multilevel administrative order. This study argues that organizational variables at the national level constitute a decisive filtering factor regarding how decision premises emanating from European Union (EU)-level institutions are received by domestic government institutions and officials. The study contributes to the literature in two main ways: Empirically it provides a comprehensive study of the role of Norwegian ministerial officials in the EU multilevel administrative order over a time period of 20 years (n = 3562). Secondly, it applies an organization theory approach to explain …

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Norsk Europaforvaltning. Et organisasjonsteoretisk perspektiv på departementenes EU-arbeid

Formålet med denne studien er å belyse departementsansattes rolle i europeisk flernivåforvaltning i tidsperioden 1996 til 2016. Studien argumenterer for at organisatoriske variabler på nasjonalt nivå er avgjørende for hvordan premisser fra EU-institusjonene blir fanget opp og innlemmet i norsk sentralforvaltning, og i siste instans i offentlig politikk. Artikkelen gir to viktige bidrag. For det første presenteres unike data fra norske departementsansattes rolle i europeisk flernivåstyring over en tidsperiode på 20 år (N=3562). For det andre bidrar studien med et organisasjonsteoretisk perspektiv for å forklare faktisk atferd blant «eurokrater» i norske departementer. Artikkelen belyser gene…

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European integration and the administrative state. A longitudinal study on self-reinforcing administrative bias

The study demonstrates how the EU contributes to a self-reinforcing administrative bias due to domestic-level organizational factors. Strong European integration without membership reinforces a politico-administrative gap and this gap expands over time. The paper applies an extreme case of high integration without formal EU membership represented by Norway. The findings suggest that the EU contributes to reinforce the administrative state through strong unintended assimilation effects. Thefindings are probed by a novel and comprehensive longitudinal data-set consisting of a large-N single case (N= 3562) questionnaire study among government officials at three points in the Norwegian central …

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