K Auranen
Spectroscopy of Hf-161 from low to high spin
High-spin states of Th-218
Fine structure in the a decay of Lu-156 and Ta-158
First identification of rotational band structures in Re-166(75)91
Excited states in the odd-odd, highly neutron-deficient nucleus 166Re have been investigated via the 92Mo(78Kr, 3p1n) 166Re reaction. Prompt γ rays were detected by the JUROGAM II γ -ray spectrometer, and the recoiling fusion-evaporation products were separated by the recoil ion transport unit (RITU) gas-filled recoil separator and implanted into the Gamma Recoil Electron Alpha Tagging spectrometer located at the RITU focal plane. The tagging and coincidence techniques were applied to identify the γ -ray transitions in 166Re, revealing two collective, strongly coupled rotational structures, for the first time. The more strongly populated band structure is assigned to the πh11/2[514]9/2− ⊗ ν…
In-beam study of No-253 using the SAGE spectrometer
Excited states in Ra-217 populated in the alpha decay of Th-221
Collective 2(1)(+) excitations in Po-206 and Rn-208,Rn-210
In the present study, values have been measured in the 208,210Rn and 206Po nuclei through Coulomb excitation of re-accelerated radioactive beams in inverse kinematics at CERN-ISOLDE. These nuclei have been proposed to lie in, or at the boundary of the region where the seniority scheme should persist. However, contributions from collective excitations are likely to be present when moving away from the N=126 closed shell. Such an effect is confirmed by the observed increased collectivity of the transitions. Experimental results have been interpreted with the aid of theoretical studies carried out within the BCS-based QRPA framework. ispartof: European Physical Journal A, Hadrons and Nuclei vo…
α -decay spectroscopy of the N=130 isotones Ra 218 and Th 220: Mitigation of α -particle energy summing with implanted nuclei
An analysis technique has been developed in order to mitigate energy summing due to sequential short-lived α decays from nuclei implanted into a silicon detector. Using this technique, α-decay spectroscopy of the N=130 isotones Ra218 (Z=88) and Th220 (Z=90) has been performed. The energies of the α particles emitted in the Ra218→Rn214 and Th220→Ra216 ground-state-to-ground-state decays have been measured to be 8381(4) keV and 8818(13) keV, respectively. The half-lives of the ground states of Ra218 and Th220 have been measured to be 25.99(10) μs and 10.4(4) μs, respectively. The half-lives of the ground states of the α-decay daughters, Rn214 and Ra216, have been measured to be 259(3) ns and …
alpha-decay spectroscopy of the N=130 isotones Ra-218 and Th-220: Mitigation of alpha-particle energy summing with implanted nuclei
Fine structure in the alpha decay of high-spin isomers in Lu-155 and Hf-156
In-beam gamma-ray and electron spectroscopy of Md-249,Md-251
Proton emission from an oblate nucleus Lu-151
Production cross section and decay study of Es-243 and Md-249
In the study of the odd-Z, even-N nuclei Es-243 and Md-249, performed at the University of Jyvaskyla, the fusion-evaporation reactions Au-197(Ca-48, 2n)Es-243 and Tl-203(Ca-48, 2n) Md-249 have been used for the first time. Fusion-evaporation residues were selected and detected using a gas-filled separator coupled with its focal-plane spectrometer. For Es-243, the recoil decay correlation analysis yielded a half-life of 24 +/- 3 s and a maximum production cross section of 37 +/- 10 nb. In the same way, a half-life of 26 +/- 1 s, an alpha-branching ratio of 75 +/- 5%, and a maximum production cross section of 300 +/- 80 nb were determined for Md-249. The decay properties of Es-245, the daught…