Luisa Escriche
Persistence of Occupational Segregation: The Role of the Intergenerational Transmission of Preferences
This article provides an explanation of the evolution and persistence of the women's segregation in jobs with less on-the-job training opportunities within the framework of an overlapping generations model with intergenerational transmission of preferences. ‘Job-priority’ and ‘family-priority’ preferences are considered. Firms’ policy and the distribution of women's preferences are endogenously and simultaneously determined in the long run. The results show though the gender gap in training will diminish, it will also persist over time. This is because both types of women's preferences coexist at the steady state due to the socialisation effort of parents to preserve their own cultural valu…
Gender discrimination and intergenerational transmission of preferences
This paper provides an explanation for the existence of gender discrimination in the labour market focusing on the intergenerational transmission of preferences related to the attitude of women towards jobs and family. Changes in women's preferences over generations depend on the socialization efforts of their parents which in turn are influenced by both the firm's expected recruitment policy and the expected utility from household care. We obtain two types of steady state equilibria: the discriminatory equilibrium, in which women are segregated to low-paid jobs, and the non-discriminatory equilibrium, in which women are hired in highly-paid jobs. The conditions of convergence to each equil…
This paper extends Wirl and Dockner¿s (1995) model designed to analyze the long-term bilateral interdependence between a resource exporting cartel and a coalition of resource importing country governments. Firstly, depletion effects are introduced into the analysis of the intertemporal properties of a pigouvian tax. Secondly, the feedback Stackelberg equilibria are computed. The results show that the dynamics of the tax depends critically on the level of the marginal environmental damage. Moreover, they also show that the tax defined by the Markov-perfect Nash equilibrium is a neutral pigouvian tax in the sense that it only corrects the market inefficiency caused by the stock externality. H…
This paper analyses whether the impact of European shocks in the Spanisheconomy has increased after the entry of Spain in the European Community. UsingVAR models, we try to disentangle whether the change in the importance of Europe isdue to a change in the size of the shocks or in the propagation effects. The results showsthat after 1986, despite the decrease in the size of European shocks, their impact on theSpanish business cycle has increases due to a larger sensitivity of the Spanish economyto these shocks. El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si ha aumentado la influencia de los shocks europeos en la economía española tras el proceso de integración en Europa, distinguiendo si los ca…
Las perturbaciones externas en la economía española tras la integración: ¿tamaño del shock o grado de respuesta?
El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar si ha aumentado la influencia de los shocks europeos en el ciclo económico español tras el proceso de integración en Europa. Se estudia si los cambios observados se deben a un cambio en la magnitud relativa de los shocks (estadounidenses, europeos e internos) y/o a cambios en el grado de respuesta. Los resultados muestran que los efectos de un shock europeo han aumentado: un shock del mismo tamaño afectaría hoy más a la economía española de lo que lo hacía en los setenta, mientras que un shock interno provocaría hoy una respuesta sustancialmente menor.