G. Lührs

Photoproduction of high-energy neutrons in thick targets by electrons in the energy range 150 to 270 MeV

Photoneutron spectra with energies greater than 12 MeV produced by electrons incident on a thick lead target have been measured for primary electron energies between 150 and 266 MeV and at a fixed angle of 90 ° to the beam axis. Measurements of the neutron yield have furthermore been performed at a primary energy of 234 MeV as a function of target depth for the same lead target and as a function of the mass number for C, Al, Cu, Cd and Pb targets. The results were obtained with three independent neutron detectors: two proton recoil counters and one time-of-flight set-up. The high-energy regions of the spectra are compared with the predictions of the phenomenological quasi-deuteron model and…

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Messungen am Po214 γ-Spektrum mit einem Ge(Li)-Paar-Spektrometer

Theγ-ray spectrum of Po214 between energies of 1.1 and 3.3 MeV was measured with a resolution of 4–5 keV. The energies and intensities of 69γ-rays are tabulated and an improved level scheme of the Bi214-Po214 decay is proposed.

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Die elektronenstreu-apparatur am mainzer 300 MeV-elektronen-linearbeschleuniger

Abstract In this paper, we attempt to give a general survey and a comprehensive description of the most significant features of the facilities for electron scattering experiments at the Mainz 300 MeV Linear Accelerator, along with a list of literature, where more detailed information on certain subjects can be found. The accelerator provides energies between 80 and 300 MeV. Scattering angles are available up to 160° resulting in a momentum transfer region up to 3.0 fm −1 . The overall experimental resolution is 0.1%. Cross sections down to 10 −34 cm 2 /sr can be measured. The main features of the apparatus are: an achromatic magnet system with 90° deflection, a double focusing spectrometer,…

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Cross sections for the reactionO16(γ, p0)N15at forward angles forEγ=80MeV

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Electron Scattering Experiments at the Mainz 300 MeV Linear Accelerator

The Mainz electron scattering facility provides energies between 80 and 300 MeV and scattering angles up to 158° which corres-pond to a useful momentum transfer region 0.4 ≤ q ≤ 3.0 fm−1. The accelerator and analyzing system produce approximately 1 μA average current with the overall resolution in the final spectra of usually 0.15% to 0.30%.

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Aufbau eines automatisch arbeitenden ??2-Spektrometers und Untersuchung des Konversionslinienspektrums von In114m und ThB mit Folgeprodukten

An automatically operatedπ√2 spectrometer is described. The regulated current supply is transistorized. With this spectrometer the electron spectra of In114m and of ThB with daughter products have been investigated. TheK/L ratio of the 191 keV isomeric transition in In114m was found to be 1·25±0·03, in excellent agreement with the theoretical value ofSliv andBand. In the electron spectrum of ThB and daughter products 46 lines were found betweenBϱ=1750Г cm andBϱ=10000Г cm. Some of them are new. Most important is a new weak line atBϱ=7030Г cm which fixes a new level atE=1·807 MeV in ThC′ (Po212). Simultaneously the earlier reported discrepancy between electron andγ-ray intensities for 1·8 MeV…

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Zum ?-Spektrum von Po214 (RaC?)

Theγ-ray spectrum arising from Bi214→Po214 β-decay was investigated by means of a three-crystal-pair-spectrometer. In addition to many already known energies and intensities several new lines have been found, partly improved values for relative intensities are given. These results have been achieved by programming a computer to reproduce the obtained data in a trial and error procedure.

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The (γ, n) reaction on 16O between giant resonance and pion threshold

Abstract A new TOF facility has been built for measurements of differential (γ, n) cross sections to discrete final states of light nuclei in the photon energy range between giant resonance and pion threshold. The observed neutron angle θn can continuously be varied between 0° and 150°, and additionally measurements at 175° and 180° are possible. Differential cross sections for the reaction 16O(γ, n0)15O are presented for Eγ = 60 MeV (40° ⩽ θn ⩽ 149°) and for θn = 90° (60 MeV ⩽ Eγ ⩽ 160 MeV). The results, combined with the corresponding (γ, p0) cross sections, indicate an absorption mechanism of high energy photons by neutron-proton pairs.

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A Method for Measurements of the Total 2H(γ,π−)PP Cross Sections at Threshold

In recent years measurements of the total cross section for the reactions 2H(γ,π+ nn) and 2H(γ,π0)2H close to the production threshold were performed1. For the 2H(γ,π−)pp reaction data of similar good quality doesn’t exist. In this paper a method is prescribed and the feasibility for the reaction 2H(γ,π−)pp is demonstrated. Figure 1 shows the principle: The photon beam hits a liquid or high pressured gas target of 2H. π− are created on the deuteron and stopped in the same target cell. The major part of the tt are captured π− are captured by deuterons via the reaction 2H(π−,n)n. The energy is shared equally by the two neutrons (En= 68.2 MeV). One of these monochromatic neutrons is detected b…

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