Antonio Arnau
Metástasis pulmonares precoces y tardías de fibrohistiocitoma maligno. Tratamiento quirúrgico
Resumen El fibrohistiocitoma maligno (FHM) constituye la variante histologica del grupo de los sarcomas de partes blandas mas frecuente diagnosticada en el adulto. Es una neoplasia poco comun que se localiza, generalmente, en las extremidades inferiores. Son tumores agresivos, con gran tendencia a la recidiva local y a las metastasis sistemicas tardias. El pulmon y el higado son las localizaciones mas frecuentes. Presenta supervivencias cortas. La cirugia radical es el tratamiento de eleccion. Los pacientes con metastasis pulmonares se benefician de la cirugia. Actualmente la ablacion con radiofrecuencia (RFA) de las metastasis pulmonares es una opcion terapeutica en pacientes en los que la…
Combined thoracotomy and laminectomy for spinal cavernomas with intrathoracic growth.
Dumbbell shaped epidural cavernomas are uncommon lesions. Of these, the extraforaminal extension is usually limited, and the lesions are removed surgically by an extended laminectomy. We present two cases of dumbbell shaped epidural cavernomas with a considerable intrathoracic growth. They were resected through a combined thoracotomy and laminectomy. Only in the case in which a wide approach to the posterior mediastinum was performed it was possible to completely remove the lesion. Since it is possible to anticipate this histological diagnosis by the magnetic resonance imaging characteristics, we propose that a wide transthoracic approach should be performed associated to a laminectomy if a…
Oxidative lung injury correlates with one-lung ventilation time during pulmonary lobectomy: a study of exhaled breath condensate and blood.
OBJECTIVES: During lung lobectomy, the operated lung is collapsed and hypoperfused; oxygen deprivation is accompanied by reactive hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. After lung lobectomy, ischaemia present in the collapsed state is followed by expansion–reperfusion and lung injury attributed to the production of reactive oxygen species. The primary objective of this study was to investigate the time course of several markers of oxidative stress simultaneously in exhaled breath condensate and blood and to determine the relationship between oxidative stress and one-lung ventilation time in patients undergoing lung lobectomy. METHODS: This single-centre, observational, prospective study includ…