Paolo Palatini
Hyperuricemia and Risk of Cardiovascular Outcomes: The Experience of the URRAH (Uric Acid Right for Heart Health) Project
The latest European Guidelines of Arterial Hypertension have officially introduced uric acid evaluation among the cardiovascular risk factors that should be evaluated in order to stratify patient's risk. In fact, it has been extensively evaluated and demonstrated to be an independent predictor not only of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality, but also of myocardial infraction, stroke and heart failure. Despite the large number of studies on this topic, an important open question that still need to be answered is the identification of a cardiovascular uric acid cut-off value. The actual hyperuricemia cut-off (> 6 mg/dL in women and 7 mg/dL in men) is principally based on the saturation …
The association of uric acid with mortality modifies at old age: data from the uric acid right for heart health (URRAH) study
Objectives: In older individuals, the role of serum uric acid (SUA) as risk factor for mortality is debated. This study investigated the association of SUA with all-cause and cardiovascular (CV) mortality in older adults participating in the large multicentre observational uric acid right for heart health (URRAH) study. Methods: Eight thousand URRAH participants aged 65+ were included in the analysis. The predictive role of SUA was assessed using Cox regression models stratified according to the cut-off age of 75. SUA was tested as continuous and categorical variable (age-specific quartiles). The prognostic threshold of SUA for mortality was analysed using receiver operating characteristic …
European Society of Hypertension practice guidelines for ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Given the increasing use of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) in both clinical practice and hypertension research, a group of scientists, participating in the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on blood pressure monitoring and cardiovascular variability, in year 2013 published a comprehensive position paper dealing with all aspects of the technique, based on the available scientific evidence for ABPM. The present work represents an updated schematic summary of the most important aspects related to the use of ABPM in daily practice, and is aimed at providing recommendations for proper use of this technique in a clinical setting by both specialists and practicing physici…
Identification of a plausible serum uric acid cut-off value as prognostic marker of stroke: the Uric Acid Right for Heart Health (URRAH) study
The Working Group on Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Risk of the Italian Society of Hypertension conceived and designed an ad hoc study aimed at searching for prognostic cut-off values of serum uric acid (SUA) in predicting combined (fatal and non-fatal) cerebrovascular (CBV) events in the whole database. The URic acid Right for heArt Health study is a nationwide, multicenter, observational cohort study involving data on subjects aged 18-95 years recruited on a regional community basis from all the territory of Italy under the patronage of the Italian Society of Hypertension with a mean follow-up period of 120.7 ± 61.8 months. A total of 14,588 subjects were included in the analysis. A prognos…
Serum Uric Acid and Kidney Disease Measures Independently Predict Cardiovascular and Total Mortality: The Uric Acid Right for Heart Health (URRAH) Project
Background: Serum uric acid predicts the onset and progression of kidney disease, and the occurrence of cardiovascular and all-cause mortality. Nevertheless, it is unclear which is the appropriate definition of hyperuricemia in presence of chronic kidney disease (CKD). Our goal was to study the independent impact of uric acid and CKD on mortality.Methods: We retrospectively investigated 21,963 patients from the URRAH study database. Hyperuricemia was defined on the basis of outcome specific cut-offs separately identified by ROC curves according to eGFR strata. The primary endpoints were cardiovascular and all-cause mortality.Results: After a mean follow-up of 9.8 year, there were 1,582 (7.2…
European Society of Hypertension practice guidelines for home blood pressure monitoring.
Self-monitoring of blood pressure by patients at home (home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM)) is being increasingly used in many countries and is well accepted by hypertensive patients. Current hypertension guidelines have endorsed the use of HBPM in clinical practice as a useful adjunct to conventional office measurements. Recently, a detailed consensus document on HBPM was published by the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring. However, in daily practice, briefer documents summarizing the essential recommendations are needed. It is also accepted that the successful implementation of clinical guidelines in routine patient care is dependent on their acc…
Identification of the Uric Acid Thresholds Predicting an Increased Total and Cardiovascular Mortality Over 20 Years
Serum uric acid (SUA) levels discriminating across the different strata of cardiovascular risk is still unknown. By utilizing a large population-based database, we assessed the threshold of SUA that increases the risk of total mortality and cardiovascular mortality (CVM). The URRAH study (Uric Acid Right for Heart Health) is a multicentre retrospective, observational study, which collected data from several large population-based longitudinal studies in Italy and subjects recruited in the hypertension clinics of the Italian Society of Hypertension. Total mortality was defined as mortality for any cause, CVM as death due to fatal myocardial infarction, stroke, sudden cardiac death, or heart…
European Society of Hypertension recommendations for conventional, ambulatory and home blood pressure measurement
IntroductionOver the past 20 years or so, the accuracy of the conventional Riva-Rocci/Korotkoff technique of blood pressure measurement has been questioned and efforts have been made to improve the technique with automated devices. In the same period, recognition of the phenomenon of white-coat hype
Practice guidelines of the European Society of Hypertension for clinic, ambulatory and self blood pressure measurement.
Introduction Blood pressuremeasurement is the basis for the diagnosis, management, treatment, epidemiology and research of hypertension, and the decisions affecting these aspects of hypertensionwill be influenced, for better or worse, by the accuracyofmeasurement.Anaccuratebloodpressure reading is a prerequisite, therefore, regardless of which technique is used, yet all too often the accuracy of measurement is taken for granted or ignored. This paper is a summary up-dated version of the recommendations published by the European Society of Hypertension (ESH) Working Group on Blood Pressure Monitoring for conventional (CBPM), ambulatory (ABPM) and self (SBPM) blood pressure measurement in 200…
High heart rate amplifies the risk of cardiovascular mortality associated with elevated uric acid.
Abstract Aims Whether the association between uric acid (UA) and cardiovascular disease is influenced by some facilitating factors is unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the risk of cardiovascular mortality (CVM) associated with elevated UA was modulated by the level of resting heart rate (HR). Methods and results Multivariable Cox analyses were made in 19 128 participants from the multicentre Uric acid Right for heArt Health study. During a median follow-up of 11.2 years, there were 1381 cases of CVM. In multivariable Cox models both UA and HR, either considered as continuous or categorical variables were independent predictors of CVM both improving risk discriminat…
Methodology and technology for peripheral and central blood pressure and blood pressure variability measurement: current status and future directions - Position statement of the European Society of Hypertension Working Group on blood pressure monitoring and cardiovascular variability
Office blood pressure measurement has been the basis for hypertension evaluation for almost a century. However, the evaluation of blood pressure out of the office using ambulatory or self-home monitoring is now strongly recommended for the accurate diagnosis in many, if not all, cases with suspected hypertension. Moreover, there is evidence that the variability of blood pressure might offer prognostic information that is independent of the average blood pressure level. Recently, advancement in technology has provided noninvasive evaluation of central (aortic) blood pressure, which might have attributes that are additive to the conventional brachial blood pressure measurement. This position …
MASked-unconTrolled hypERtension management based on office BP or on ambulatory blood pressure measurement (MASTER) Study: a randomised controlled trial protocol
Introduction Masked uncontrolled hypertension (MUCH) carries an increased risk of cardiovascular (CV) complications and can be identified through combined use of office (O) and ambulatory (A) blood pressure (BP) monitoring (M) in treated patients. However, it is still debated whether the information carried by ABPM should be considered for MUCH management. Aim of the MASked-unconTrolled hypERtension management based on OBP or on ambulatory blood pressure measurement (MASTER) Study is to assess the impact on outcome of MUCH management based on OBPM or ABPM. Methods and analysis MASTER is a 4-year prospective, randomised, open-label, blinded-endpoint investigation. A total of 1240 treated hyp…
Serum uric acid levels threshold for mortality in diabetic individuals: The URic acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) project
Background and aim: The URRAH (URic acid Right for heArt Health) Study has identified cut-off values of serum uric acid (SUA) predictive of total mortality at 4.7 mg/dl, and cardiovascular (CV) mortality at 5.6 mg/dl. Our aim was to validate these SUA thresholds in people with diabetes. Methods and results: The URRAH subpopulation of people with diabetes was studied. All-cause and CV deaths were evaluated at the end of follow-up. A total of 2570 diabetic subjects were studied. During a median follow-up of 107 months, 744 deaths occurred. In the multivariate Cox regression analyses adjusted for several confounders, subjects with SUA ≥5.6 mg/dl had higher risk of total (HR: 1.23, 95%CI: 1.04-…
Serum uric acid, predicts heart failure in a large Italian cohort: search for a cut-off value the URic acid Right for heArt Health study
Objective: To assess the prognostic cut-off values of serum uric acid (SUA) in predicting fatal and morbid heart failure in a large Italian cohort in the frame of the Working Group on Uric Acid and Cardiovascular Risk of the Italian Society of Hypertension. Methods: The URic acid Right for heArt Health (URRAH) study is a nationwide, multicentre, cohort study involving data on individuals aged 18-95 years, recruited on a community basis from all regions of Italy under the patronage of the Italian Society of Hypertension with a mean follow-up period of 128 ± 65 months. Incident heart failure was defined on the basis of International Classification of Diseases Tenth Revision codes and double-c…
2021 European Society of Hypertension practice guidelines for office and out-of-office blood pressure measurement.
High blood pressure (BP) is the leading modifiable risk factor for morbidity and mortality worldwide. The basis for diagnosing and managing hypertension is the measurement of BP, which is routinely used to initiate or rule out costly investigations and long-term therapeutic interventions. Inadequate measurement methodology or use of inaccurate BP measuring devices can lead to overdiagnosis and unnecessary treatment, or underdiagnosis and exposure to preventable cardiovascular disease (CVD). [...]
European society of hypertension position paper on ambulatory blood pressure monitoring
Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) is being used increasingly in both clinical practice and hypertension research. Although there are many guidelines that emphasize the indications for ABPM, there is no comprehensive guideline dealing with all aspects of the technique. It was agreed at a consensus meeting on ABPM in Milan in 2011 that the 34 attendees should prepare a comprehensive position paper on the scientific evidence for ABPM.This position paper considers the historical background, the advantages and limitations of ABPM, the threshold levels for practice, and the cost-effectiveness of the technique. It examines the need for selecting an appropriate device, the accuracy of dev…
European Society of Hypertension guidelines for blood pressure monitoring at home: a summary report of the second international consensus conference on home blood pressure monitoring
This document summarizes the available evidence and provides recommendations on the use of home blood pressure monitoring in clinical practice and in research. It updates the previous recommendations on the same topic issued in year 2000. The main topics addressed include the methodology of home blood pressure monitoring, its diagnostic and therapeutic thresholds, its clinical applications in hypertension, with specific reference to special populations, and its applications in research. The final section deals with the problems related to the implementation of these recommendations in clinical practice. ispartof: Journal of Hypertension vol:26 issue:8 pages:1505-1530 ispartof: location:Neth…