Nihal Büyükçizmeci
Formation Of Hypernuclei In Evaporation And Fission Processes
There are excellent opportunities to produce excited heavy hyper residues in relativistic hadron and peripheral heavy-ion collisions. We investigate the disintegration of such residues into hyper nuclei via evaporation of baryons and light clusters and their fission. Previously these processes were well known for normal nuclei as the decay channels at low excitation energies. We have generalized these models for the case of hyper-matter. In this way we make extension of nuclear reaction studies at low temperature into the strange sector. We demonstrate how the new decay channels can be integrated in the whole disintegration process. Their importance for mass and isotope distributions of pro…
The percolation phase transition and statistical multifragmentation in finite systems
The cumulant ratios up to fourth order of the $Z$ distributions of the largest fragment in spectator fragmentation following $^{107,124}$Sn+Sn and $^{124}$La+Sn collisions at 600 MeV/nucleon have been investigated. They are found to exhibit the signatures of a second-order phase transition established with cubic bond percolation and previously observed in the ALADIN experimental data for fragmentation of $^{197}$Au projectiles at similar energies. The deduced pseudocritical points are found to be only weakly dependent on the $A/Z$ ratio of the fragmenting spectator source. The same holds for the corresponding chemical freeze-out temperatures of close to 6 MeV. The experimental cumulant dist…