Emmanuel Schneider
Compréhension d’animations et mouvements oculaires : rôle du contrôle et de l’orientation de l’attention
On line elaboration of a mental model during the understanding of an animation This experiment aimed at studying how high and low spatial abilities adult learners understood an animation. Two factors were manipulated when learners were studying a threepulley system device: the controllability of the animation and the orientation of the attention of the participant by an explicit task. Off-line (comprehension questions) and on-line (eye tracking) measures were used. The comprehension test results indicated that, more than controllability, the specific orientation of the attention of the participant on the relevant features of the animation had a positive effect on the elaboration of a high q…
Static and animated presentations in learning dynamic mechanical systems
Abstract In two experiments, we investigated how learners comprehend the functioning of a three-pulley system from a presentation on a computer screen. In the first experiment (N = 62) we tested the effect of static vs. animated presentations on comprehension. In the second experiment (N = 45), we tested the effect of user-control of an animated presentation on comprehension. In both experiments the participants were university students. Comprehension was measured with a test including three comprehension indicators. The first experiment indicated that an animation as well as integrated sequential static frames enhanced comprehension. The second experiment showed that a controllable animati…
On Line Elaboration of a Mental Model During the Understanding of an Animation
This experiment examines how, high and low mechanical and spatial abilities, learners understand an animation. Two variables were manipulated: the controllability of the animations and the task type of the learners to study the device. The comprehension test results indicated a positive effect of a fully controllable animation and also a positive effect of task type, when the attention of the learner is focused on the functional model and on local kinematics. The eye tracking data indicated that the learners attend more to the areas of the animations where a great amount of motion is involved along the causal chain of events. We show an effect of the controllability of the system and of the…