Marcelo Laca
Boundary quotients and ideals of Toeplitz C∗-algebras of Artin groups
We study the quotients of the Toeplitz C*-algebra of a quasi-lattice ordered group (G,P), which we view as crossed products by a partial actions of G on closed invariant subsets of a totally disconnected compact Hausdorff space, the Nica spectrum of (G,P). Our original motivation and our main examples are drawn from right-angled Artin groups, but many of our results are valid for more general quasi-lattice ordered groups. We show that the Nica spectrum has a unique minimal closed invariant subset, which we call the boundary spectrum, and we define the boundary quotient to be the crossed product of the corresponding restricted partial action. The main technical tools used are the results of …
On the Toeplitz algebras of right-angled and finite-type Artin groups
The graph product of a family of groups lies somewhere between their direct and free products, with the graph determining which pairs of groups commute and which do not. We show that the graph product of quasi-lattice ordered groups is quasi-lattice ordered, and, when the underlying groups are amenable, that it satisfies Nica's amenability condition for quasi-lattice orders. As a consequence the Toeplitz algebras of these groups are universal for covariant isometric representations on Hilbert space, and their representations are faithful if the isometries satisfy a properness condition given by Laca and Raeburn. An application of this to right-angled Artin groups gives a uniqueness theorem …