Dieu Sang Ly

Scale invariant line matching on the sphere

International audience; This paper proposes a novel approach of line matching across images captured by different types of cameras, from perspective to omnidirectional ones. Based on the spherical mapping, this method utilizes spherical SIFT point features to boost line matching and searches line correspondences using an affine invariant measure of similarity. It permits to unify the commonest cameras and to process heterogeneous images with the least distortion of visual information.

research product

Omnidirectional vision for UAV: applications to attitude, motion and altitude estimation for day and night conditions

International audience; This paper presents the combined applications of omnidirectional vision featuring on its application to aerial robotics. Omnidirectional vision is first used to compute the attitude, altitude and motion not only in rural environment but also in the urban space. Secondly, a combination of omnidirectional and perspective cameras permits to estimate the altitude. Finally we present a stereo system consisting of an omnidirectional camera with a laser pattern projector enables to calculate the altitude and attitude during the improperly illuminated conditions to dark environments. We demonstrate that omnidirectional camera in conjunction with other sensors is suitable cho…

research product

Extrinsic calibration of heterogeneous cameras by line images

International audience; The extrinsic calibration refers to determining the relative pose of cameras. Most of the approaches for cameras with non-overlapping fields of view (FOV) are based on mirror reflection, object tracking or rigidity constraint of stereo systems whereas cameras with overlapping FOV can be calibrated using structure from motion solutions. We propose an extrinsic calibration method within structure from motion framework for cameras with overlapping FOV and its extension to cameras with partially non-overlapping FOV. Recently, omnidirectional vision has become a popular topic in computer vision as an omnidirectional camera can cover large FOV in one image. Combining the g…

research product